- Категория: DYE CHEMISTRY (continued)
- Sulfanilic Acid
- Л-Naphthylamine
- P-Nitroaniline
- Technical Diazotization Procedures
- Isolation of Dyes 1. Dyes without Sulfo or Carboxyl Groups
- Practical
- Coupling I. Theoretical
- Example*
- Diazotization
- Laboratory Preparation of Azo Dyes
- 1,5-Dimtroanthraquinone and 1,5-Diamino - anthraquinone
- 1-Aminoanthraquinone and 1,4-Diamino - anthraquinone
- . 2-Aminoanthraquinone
- 1-Nitro-2-methylanthraquinone
- Naphthalenetetracarboxylic Acid
- Tetrachloropyrene
- L-Aminonaphthalene-4,8-disulfomc Acid, 2-Amino - naphthaleiie-4,8-disulfonic Acid, and
- L-Amino-8-naphlhol-3,6-di»ulfonic Acid (H Acid)
- From Є Acid and 2,8-Uihydroxynaphthalene-6*tulfonic Acid
- From 2-fiaphthol-6,8-disulfonic Acid
- (a) 2,6,8’ and 2J5,7-Naphthylaminedimlfonic Acid* from. fl-Naphthyiamine
- And 2,5,7-Aminonaphtholsulfonic Acids (Gamma and J Acids) from /J-Naphthylamine
- Nitroso-ft-naphthol. In a З-liter beaker, 72 grams (0.5 mole)
- B) 2-ISaphthylamine-1.sulfonic Acid from 2-lSaphthol-. 1 sulfonic Acid
- 2-Уaphthold - sulfonic Acid from p-Naphthol
- Disulfonic Acid (R Acid)
- (R Acid and G Acid)
- Snlfonation of /J-Naphthol
- Influence of NaCl and Na2S04 on the Solubility. of Sodium Naphthalene-/J-Sulfonate. (American Data)
- The Sulfonic Acids of Naphthalene
- Performing the Reaction. Apparatus
- Preparation of the Catalyst
- Benzene Derivatives from Naphthalene
- Gallamide and Gallic Acid from Tannin
- Reduction to Diaminostilbenedisulfonic Acid
- 2,6-Dichlorobenztddehyde
- 2,6-Dichlorobenzal Chloride
- 2,6-Dichlorotoluene
- 2,6-Chlorotoluidine
- Derivatives of Toluene Benzal Chloride and Benzaldehyde from Toluene
- Reduction
- Preparation of the Аго Dye
- Aminophenob4,6-disulfonic Acid from Phenol
- Picramic Acid
- Trinitrophenol (Picric Acid)
- Alkylation of Nitrophenols
- Derivatives of Phenol
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