by Graham Raynor BSc

Water based systems have in the past been of only minor significance and end users have usually only used them reluctantly when they have been forced to. This is due to the inherent problems associated with water based systems, namely;

• Slow drying due to slow evaporation of water

• Drying times can vary dramatically depending upon weather conditions

• Dried films tend to be water and solvent sensitive

• Emulsions tend to dry with a milky appearance

• Defoamers are required to reduce aeration

• Preservatives are required to prevent fungal attack

Despite these inherent problems development has taken place and systems have been in use for many years especially water based stains. With the advent of the environmental protection act (EPA), a great deal of time and effort has been put into removing or reducing the inherent challenges of water based systems.

Water based systems are far more critical than their solvent based counterparts in the method of manufacture. Unlike solvent systems, if something goes wrong with the resin system, it is very rare to be able to recover it. If the raw materials are added in a different order, the end products may be significantly different in their properties.

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