Types of Cyanoacrylate

There are many different types of cyanoacrylate and so when designers are contemplating the use of an adhesive for specific project, they have to consider which type is most
appropriate — especially when it comes to production considerations and performance criteria. The following types of cyanoacrylate will be discussed in this section:

• Ethyl,

• Methyl,

• Alkoxy ethyl,

• Surface insensitive,

• Toughened,

• Thermally resistant,

• Flexible, and

• UV-curing grades.

Ethyl Cyanoacrylates

The ethyl cyanoacrylates are probably the most common of all the standard cyanoacrylates and the most widely used. The ethyl cyanoacrylates are best suited for bonding most plastics and elastomers to themselves and have excellent adhesion to polycarbonate, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and butyl rubber amongst many.

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