Technology of Cyanoacrylate Adhesives for Industrial Assembly

William G. Repensek

National Starch and Chemical Company, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, U. S.A.


Adhesives have been used since ancient times, but only since the advent of synthetic polymers (plastics) has their use become of major importance because manufacturers can now synthesize polymers and compound adhesive formulations to fit the requirements of the application. In other words, adhesives can be engineered for improved character­istics such as speed of cure, heat resistance, and impact resistance. Cyanoacrylates are just such an adhesive.

Cyanoacrylate adhesives can be defined as single-component chemically active liquids that react very rapidly with moisture or other weakly alkaline materials to form clear, hard solids. Their important characteristics are:

1. Very fast curing

2. Applied as liquids

3. Cured by a chemical reaction

4. Activated by alkaline materials

5. Form hard plastic materials after curing.

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