. Electrochemical Reduction

Electrochemical methods have been used extensively to elucidate the mechanism of reduction of tetrazolium salts. In aprotic media, the first step is a reversible one-electron reduction to the radical 154 as confirmed by ESR spectroscopy.256,266 As shown in Scheme 26, this radical can then dispro­portionate to the tetrazolium salt and the formazan anion (166) or take up another electron to the formazan dianion (167). The formation of the dianion through a direct reduction or through the intermediate tetrazolyl anion (168) has also been proposed.272 28 1,294 In aqueous solutions, where protonation/deprotonation equilibria contribute to the complexity of the reduction process, the reduction potentials are pH dependent and a one — electron wave is seldom observed.

. Electrochemical Reduction

The reduction potentials, measured by scanning voltammetry, are substitution dependent.282 As shown in Table 12 for a series of triaryl tetrazoliums (169), the reduction becomes easier when electron-withdrawing substituents are present. This is in agreement with the polarographic data on a series of benzothiazolyl tetrazolium salts (170).283 With bis tetrazolium

. Electrochemical Reduction

Table 12. Reduction Potentials
of Tetrazolium Salt (169)

Подпись: H 4-C1 4-CH3 4-OCH3 H H H H H 4-C1 4-C1 4-C1 4-CH3 4-CH3 4-CH3 4-OCH3 4-OCH3 Подпись: H H H H 4-C1 3- CI 4- Br 4-F 4-CH3 4-C1 4-CH3 4-OCH3 4-C1 4-CH3 4-OCH3 4-C1 4-CH3 Подпись: -294 -269 -301 -316 -249 -221 -233 -256 -300 -222 -287 --293 -236 -313 -311 -261 -325

X Y E (mV)a

‘Versus Ag/AgCI.

salts in nonaqueous aprotic solvents, a series of one-electron steps have been identified leading to both the “monoformazans” and the “diformazans” 164 and 165 in Scheme 25.285 In aqueous and micellar media, two two-electron steps and one four-electron step have also been observed.284 — 288

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