Архивы рубрики ‘Adhesive Bonding’

Lightning Protection and Performance Enhancement

In order to protect wind turbine blades against lightning, a new foil has been developed that evenly distributes the energy potential of the lightning current over the entire length of the blade. It does this by catching the current and leading it either to lightning receptors or directly to the tower. The underlying principle is […]


The largest mass-produced rotor blade in the world has a length of 37.5 m and is manufactured with leading-edge production methods. Both, the manufacturer’s personnel and the materials used must meet the highest demands with regard to quality. As a matter of principle, materials are subjected to in-house incoming inspection and additional intermediate tests before […]

Little-Known Applications

8.17.1 Foils for the Rotors of Wind Turbines Today, electricity is being produced increasingly from wind energy. However, with rotor blade tip speeds of up to 300 km h-1, blade erosion can occur in wind power plants due to rain, dusts, insects or other particles contained in the air. Innovative PSA foil combinations provide protection […]

Surface-Replicating Mechanism Based on Growth

There is an interesting example of attachment due to replication of surface profile. An important attachment-related property of living tissues is its growth ability. Growing plant tissues can exactly replicate a surface profile by growing into surface depres­sions. The living tissues, after filling up the surface profile, become hard by thickening of the cell wall. […]

Adhesion in Plants

Whilst all of the above examples are from the animal world, adhesion is also used by many plant species to fulfill diverse functions. For example, it is strongly involved in mechanisms for the dispersal ofseeds and fruits. Typically, adhesive fruits attach to a passing animal and are carried until they drop off, or the animal […]

Adhesion in Terrestrial Insects Permanent Adhesion in Insects and Spiders The coxal vesicles in representatives of the family Machilidae (Archaeognatha) serve to cement the old cuticle during skinning (ecdysis). The exact composition of the cement remains unknown, but it cannot be removed from the surface by the use of water, saline or acetone. Parasitic insects such as lice […]

Adhesion in Larval Fish and Ascidians

The larvae of cichlid fish can attach themselves at the location of emergence during the course of several days after emergence by using the secretions of an adhesive apparatus, which is very variable among the species and allows the larvae to remain under parental defense for several days. As a rule, this apparatus consists of […]

Temporary Adhesion in Cladoceran Crustaceans

Small cladoceran crustaceans, such as Sida crystallina, attach themselves to the substrate by adhesive anchors connected to the cuticle. S. crystallina bears three anchor organs at the dorsal side of the head. An animal attaches to an anterior organ first, and then additionally attaches to two movable posterior organs. The attachment is presumably due to […]

Adhesion in Barnacles

There are two types of adhesion occurring in these crustaceans: (i) temporary adhesion, which occurs in larval barnacles; and (ii) permanent adult adhesion. The antennular attachment organ holds the larva on the substrate while it explores, prior to permanent settlement. The bond allows the larva to remain attached against moving sea waves, but still provides […]

Tube Feet of Starfish

Echinodermata (starfish, see urchins, sea cucumbers) bear tube feet or podia that are used to adhere to and release from substrates by chemical interactions (Figure 8.85). Figure 8.85 Podium of the starfish, Asterias rubens. (A) Starfish adhering to glass; (B) side aspect as viewed in the scanning electron microscope; (C, D) longitudinal sections through the […]