Today, in adhesive bonding technology there is still much empiricism. Whereas, in the design, calculation, creation and quality assurance of welded joints there exist fully developed standard sets of rules, guidelines and specifications that have been Figure 9.1 The Western European adhesives market, 2007. The key market segments are indicated; values shown are in tons. […]
Архивы рубрики ‘Adhesive Bonding’

9.1 Economic Trends The global market for adhesives is forecast to grow further over the next years. According to the German Adhesives Association (Industrieverband Klebstoffe e. V., Dusseldorf), the worldwide sales of adhesives and sealants were D39.4 billion in 2007. Geographically, Asia, Europe and North America together form the largest group of consumers, each with […]
High-Strength Removable Adhesives

The above-described removable systems are based upon PSAs, the load capacity and creep resistance of which are limited (see Section 5.1). For the development of removable, high-strength adhesives, other solutions must be found. There are three main mechanisms that lend themselves to the removal of an adhesive bond. First, severe subsequent embrittlement of the adhesive […]
Commercially Available Removable Adhesive Systems

The detachable adhesive systems that are currently available on the market are based on PSAs. A variety of detachable notes, similar to Post-it® notes, are produced by other manufacturers: in Germany, double-sided stretchable adhesive tape pads with a pull tab for removal (stretch release tapes) are sold as Power Strips ™ by Beiersdorf, or more […]
Removable Adhesive Joints

Bonding as a joining technique is usually classified as ‘nondetachable’. To date, this has applied to many applications, and particularly to structural adhesive-bonded joints. However, this classification is incorrect whenever ‘nondetachability’ is defined as an inherent property of a joint not to allow separation (and reconstitution) of the joint without irreversibly changing its elements (or […]

Today, both restorers and archaeologists alike would struggle to work without the aid of bonding, not only because this joining technique does not harm sensitive substrates but it also allows dissimilar materials to be joined to each other. Yet, it is often not easy to decide whether to use a modern or an ancient, original […]
Jewelry Making

Noble metals are also processed by the jewelry industry. In former times, these were soldered with each other, or one with the other, but entailing labor-intensive reworking to remove the flux residues or staining caused by elevated temperatures affecting the surface. Bonding is an attractive option that helps to save such costs (Figure 8.95). On […]
Bonding in Art, Jewelry Making and Archeology Art When admiring the ‘Golden Horseman’ — an equestrian statue of King August the Strong of Saxonia, which was erected in 1736 on the New City Market (‘Neustadter Markt’) in Dresden, Germany — scarcely anybody realizes that the monument is a miracle of adhesive bonding technology. It was built by layering heated copper over […]
Light Bulbs

The mounting of halogen light bulbs into glass reflectors is an example of applications where organic adhesives fail. Long-term resistance to elevated temperatures from 300 °C to 1500 °C can only be achieved with inorganic systems (Figure 8.92). Inorganic, air-drying adhesives are usually water glass formulations with oxidic fillers (aluminum oxide, silicon oxide, zirconium oxide, […]
Adhesive Elastomer Composites

The wide range of structural elements made from elastomer composite materials has become an important and indispensable part of everyday life, due to their resilient or elastic deformation behavior when subjected to mechanical stress. The mechanical joining techniques used for metals are often not suitable for rubber materials, and indeed the adhesive bonding of rubber […]