Generally, for a given binder system, pigmented coatings provide better corrosion protection than clear systems. Depending upon particle size, shape and amounts used, the barrier properties of pigment coatings vary. Lamellar pigments such as aluminum flakes, mica, and micaceous iron oxide improve barrier properties of coatings. Also, certain active anticorrosive pigments intervene with electrochemical corrosion reactions in the corrosion process at the interface between a metallic substrate and coating film. UV radiation can cause degradation of the polymer matrix in the coating film. Certain pigments increase the durability of the coating system by absorbing UV light and thus protecting the film from degradation. With careful selection of pigments and their amounts, it is possible to increase the mechanical strength of coatings by reinforcement of the polymer matrix by harder pigment particles. Some pigments, like zinc oxide, may efficiently increase mold resistance of coating films.
Protective functions
1 ноября, 2015 Pokraskin