
Pigments are finely divided colored (or white) insoluble particles having a high refractive index, typically >1.70. Pigments, when uni­formly dispersed in the resin (medium), impart color and opacity to the cured film. Thus, color and opacity are the primary functions of pigments. In addition, some pigments (for example, chrome pigments, zinc phosphate pigments) exhibit functional properties such as cor­rosion resistance, resistance to UV light, and anti-fouling properties. Pigments are also used to control rheology, exterior durability and mechanical properties of the films. Pigments with high light reflec­tivity and specific particle size and shape are used in special effect coatings. Pigments are classified based on their origin, whether natu­ral or synthetic, and on their functions as organic, inorganic, metallic, and special effect pigments.

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