Other performance properties

Although solvency and evaporation rate are the most important properties, there are other properties that are important in specific circumstances. Some of them are briefly discussed here. Moisture content

The presence of any appreciable amount of moisture in solvents used in a two-component polyurethane system can react with iso­cyanate crosslinkers and thus impair crosslinking efficiency. There­fore, moisture content is one of the important properties of solvents such as ketones and esters, which are used in two-component poly­urethane coatings. Moisture content is normally determined by the Karl-Fischer titration method. Aromatic content

Aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents frequently contain a certain amount of aromatic hydrocarbons. Since aromatic content can have a signi­ficant effect on the solid-viscosity relationship, and may impart undesirable odor, it is customary to determine and specify the aro­matic content of aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents, generally expressed as percent by mass.

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