Hydrocarbon solvents

The majority of hydrocarbon solvents are derived from fractional distillation of petroleum oil, with a few exceptions that are sourced from vegetable origin. Hydrocarbon solvents tend to be mixtures of organic compounds rather than pure chemicals, and they may vary in composition depending on source of the crude oil. Proper­ties of hydrocarbon solvents are governed by two factors: their MW and type of hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbon solvents are non-polar and are less effective as active solvents for high MW synthetic resins with greater polarity. However, they are often used as diluents or latent solvents for such resins. They are used as true solvents for some of the non-polar or less polar binders such as drying oils, varnishes, alkyds, asphalt, rosin and petroleum resins. Hydrocar­bon solvents are sub-classified into the four categories described below.

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