Epoxy esters

A majority of the epoxy esters used in the coating industry are syn­thesized by reacting an epoxy resin with fatty acids from drying, semidrying or non-drying oils based on the end-use requirements for their properties. For epoxy ester resins suitable for air-drying (autoxidative curing), drying or semidrying oil fatty acids are used, while for stoving finishes, non-drying oil fatty acids are commonly used. The fatty acid content in epoxy esters may vary from 30 to 60 %. In synthesis of epoxy esters, the main chemical reactions involved are reaction of carboxylic acid groups of fatty acids with epoxy and hydroxyl groups of epoxy resins. The epoxy resin back­bone contributes to adhesion and hardness along with water, chemi­cal and corrosion resistance, while fatty acid modification provides necessary flexibility, flow and pigment wetting characteristics.

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