How many consumers, even the more discerning ones, ever think about the safety of a fine fragrance or aftershave before they buy it? It is likely that they are far more interested in ensuring that the product ‘smells right’ on their skin, and that it blends with and enhances the image they are trying to establish. When ‘Eve’ is launched, its image will be the major selling point, not the fact that it is safe for the consumer to use. However, it is certainly not by chance that the consumer does not consciously think about fragrance safety when selecting a product. Their confidence comes from the long history of safe use associated with fragrances, which in turn is the result of the considerable effort that the fragrance industry applies to product safety. The fragrance industry is actually ‘self-regulating’ as there is no legislation, apart from normal consumer laws, that govern the composition or use of fragrances.
The Safety and Toxicology of. Fragrances