Selecting the Adhesive

7.1 Introduction

You only have to type the words ‘adhesives for plastics’ into an internet search engine and you are rewarded with thousands of websites, each one of which is trying to tempt you to visit their site for one reason or another.

There is a bewildering range of adhesives available to the end user and this chapter will by no means attempt to answer all the questions or even give all the options available. Hopefully, however, it will provide the reader with some guidelines as to the factors that should be considered when selecting an adhesive for the bonding of engineering plastics and elastomers.

Adhesives and sealants are a multi-billion dollar industry that serves many applications and end-markets. Adhesives are used in a huge variety of industries, from automotive to medical and from electrical switchgear to sports goods.

Adhesives are primarily designed to bond parts together and sealants prevent leakage of fluids or gases or seal against the ingress of atmospheric components into an assembly.

The benefits of adhesives for the joining of plastics include:

• They distribute loads across the entire joint area,

• They have the ability to bond dissimilar materials,

• They can attenuate mechanical vibrations and sound,

• They can offer the ability to joint thinner materials,

• They give unobtrusive bond lines and thus improve the aesthetics of the joint,

• They can act as both adhesive and sealant, and

• The capital equipment investment is typically considerably less than it might be for ultrasonic welding or similar processes.

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