Flexible Cyanoacrylates

Flexible cyanoacrylates were introduced in 2003 and are based on a modified ethyl monomer with considerably improved flexibility over the standard product. These cyanoacrylates were developed for the loudspeaker industry (Figure 1.8), where a degree of flexibility in the coil to suspension bonded joint is desirable. The flexible grades of cyanoacrylate are also surface insensitive as they are used for the bonding of leather goods and fabrics and other similar applications where a flexible adhesive joint is required together with the ability to bond to these acidic substrates. Flexible cyanoacrylates have a slightly lower high-temperature resistance than standard ethyl grade products (maximum 75 °C).

Flexible Cyanoacrylates

Figure 1.8 A flexible adhesive is used to bond the suspension to the coil in a loudspeaker

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