Pin-Collar Specimens

In order to have a first glance at the performances of LOCTITE648s adhesive in dependence of the assembly temperature of the components, a first set of 13 pin-collar specimens was examined. The specimens are characterized by a mean radial clearance of 0.027 mm (standard deviation of 0.003 mm). The specimen size was chosen in accordance with ISO 10123, because it allows direct comparison with the performances stated into the datasheet of the adhesive. It was demonstrated by Croccolo et al. [12] that if only steel components are involved, the specimens can be pushed out and re-used several times without influencing the strength of the joint, provided that they are cleaned accurately after pushing out. Here, the LOCTITE7063s multi purpose cleaner was used. In the light of that, each of the 13 clearance pairs was used three times; Table 1 summarizes the test plan. It must be remarked that, in this first part of the experimentation, easily achievable heating (+180°C) and
cooling (-20°C) temperatures were chosen. The choice was based on the tools readily available in the laboratory (a freezer and a small electric oven).

Table 1. Test plan for ISO 10123 pin-collar specimens, tested with clearance fits

First run

R. T.

Adhesive = YES 13 tests

Second run

Collar heated at +180°C Adhesive = YES 13 tests

Third run

Pin cooled at -20°C Adhesive = YES 13 tests

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