
Molybdate orange and molybate red are mainly used in paints, coil coatings, and for coloring plastics (e. g., polyethylene, polyesters, polystyrene). The temperature-stable grades are the most suitable for coil coatings and plastics.

Molybdate orange and molybdate red feature a low binder demand, good dis­persibility, hiding power, and tinting strength, combined with very high lightfastness and weather resistance. Stabilization (see “Production”) also yields high-grade pig­ments with good resistance to sulfur dioxide and high temperature.

Like chrome yellows, molybdate reds are used to produce mixed pigments. Com­binations with organic red pigments provide a considerably extended color range. Such combinations have very good stability properties because the lightfastness and weather resistance of many organic red pigments are not adversely affected by molyb­date pigments.

Total world production of molybdate orange and molybdate red in 1999 was in the order of 13000-15000 metric tons.


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