Synthetic Raw Materials

Increasing demand for raw materials with high TiO2 contents has led to the develop­ment of synthetic TiO2 raw materials. In all production processes, iron is removed from ilmenites or titanomagnetites.

Titanium Slag

The metallurgical process for removing iron from ilmenite is based on slag formation in which the iron is reduced by anthracite or coke to metal at 1200-1600 °C in an electric arc furnace and then separated. Titanium-free pig iron is produced together with slag containing 70-85% TiO2 (depending on the ore used) that can be digested with sulfuric acid because they are high in Ti3+ and low in carbon. Raw materials of this type are produced in Canada by the Quebec Iron and Titanium Corporation (QIT), in the Republic of South Africa by Richard’s Bay Minerals (RBM), and to a smaller extent by Tinfos Titan and Iron K. S. (Tyssedal, Norway). Total slag production

grew in 2000 to 1.7 x106 t of contained TiO2, with 0.7 x106 t being slag for the sulfate process and 1.0 x10 6 t being slag for the chloride process.

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