Surface Properties of TiO2 Pigments

The specific surface area of commercial TiO2 products can vary between 0.5 and >300 m2 g-1 depending on its intended use. The surface of TiO2 is saturated by coordinatively bonded water, which forms hydroxyl ions. Depending on the type of bonding of the hydroxyl groups to the titanium, these groups possess acidic or basic character [2.7, 2.8]. The surface ofTiO2 is thus always polar. The surface covering of hydroxyl groups has a decisive influence on pigment properties such as dispersibility and weather resistance.

The presence of the hydroxyl groups makes photochemically induced reactions possible, e. g., the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen and the reduction of nitrogen to ammonia and hydrazine (see also Section 2.1.5) [2.9].


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