
Physical Properties

Подпись: Density Refractive index Melting point Heat capacity 25 °C Heat capacity 100 °C Heat capacity 1000 °C Thermal conductivity Crystal structure Mohs hardness Подпись: 5.65-5.68 g cm 3 1.95-2.1 1975 °C 40.26 J mol-1 K-1 44.37 J mol-1 K-1 54.95 J mol-1 K-1 25.2 W m-1 K-1 hexagonal, wurtzite 4-4.5

Zinc oxide is a fine white powder that turns yellow when heated above 300 °C. It absorbs UV light at wavelengths below 366 nm. Traces of monovalent or trivalent elements introduced into the crystal lattice impart semiconducting properties. The elementary particles of ZnO obtained by the thermal method may be granular or nodular (0.1-5 pm) or acicular (needle-shaped, 0.5-10 pm). Particles produced by the wet process have an amorphous character (sponge form, particles up to 50 pm). Some physical properties are given below:

90 I 2 White Pigments

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