Production Processes

A summary of the most important production processes is given in Table 4.2.

Tab. 4.2: Production methods for carbon black pigments.

Chemical process

Manufacturing methods

Main raw materials



Furnace black process

Degussa gas black process Lamp black process

Aromatic oils on coal tar basis or mineral oil, natural gas Coal tar distillates Aromatic oils on coal tar basis or mineral oil

Thermal decomposition

Thermal black process Acetylene black process

Natural gas or mineral oils Acetylene

In the past decades, the rapidly expanding automobile industry has required in­creasing numbers of tires, black pigmented plastics and black paints with various characteristics. This has led not only to the development of new rubber grades, but also to the development of new carbon blacks required by refined application processes and to the development of a new and better manufacturing process, the furnace-black-process. This process allows the production of nearly all types of car-

bon black required from the industries using rubber, plastics, paints and inks. It also meets the high economic and ecological requirements of the present times.


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