
The iron oxide pigments described in Section 5.1.1 are either doped or coated with cobalt:

1. Body-doped pigments contain 2-5 wt.% cobalt that is uniformly distributed throughout the bulk of the pigment particles. It is either incorporated during pro­duction of the FeOOH precursor or precipitated as the hydroxide onto one of the intermediate products [5.13] using cobalt(II) salts as the cobalt source.

2. Cobalt-coated pigment particles (1.6-4 wt.% Co) consist of a core of y-Fe2O3 or non-stoichiometric iron oxide phase, and a 1-2 nm coating of cobalt ferrite with a

Fig. 5.1 TEM-photographs showing typical mor­phology of magnetic iron oxide pigments from Toda Kogyo (Table 5.1) Magnification x30000. A) y-Fe2O3QX-440®, for computer tapes and studio radio tapes; B) Co- y-Fe2O3TX-3045®,


for IEC I compact cassette tapes, standard, iron oxide operating point, high grade; C) Co-Fe3O4 CSB-195®, for IEC II compact cassette tapes, CrO2 operating point, 1" video tape, super- VHS video tape.



high coercivity [5.14]. The coating can be produced by adsorption of cobalt hydroxide, or epitaxial precipitation of cobalt ferrite in a strongly alkaline medium [5.15, 5.16]. Surface coated pigments show better magnetic stability than doped pigments.

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