Occupational Health

Precautions have to be taken and workplace concentration limits have to be observed when handling the various anticorrosive pigments. General regulations exist for all lead-containing materials like Red Lead or lead silicochromate. Concentration limits are as follows:

Подпись: MAK value (lead) BAT values Lead (blood) Lead (blood - women <45 years) 8-aminolevulinic acid urine, Davies method women <45 years TLV-TWA value (lead) <0.1 mg m 3

<70 pg dL-1 < 30 pg dL-1

<15 mg L-1

<6 mg L 1 <0.15 mg m-3

It is accepted that the BAT limit has been complied with if the blood lead level does not exceed 50 pg dL-1 (or for women of <45 years, 30 pg dL-1).

Council Directive 82/605/EEC specifies maximum lead concentrations in the air of < 150 pg m-3 and permitted blood lead levels of70-80 pg dL-1, with 8-aminolevulinic acid values of 20 mg/g creatinine [5.109, 5.110].

For chromate-containing anticorrosive pigments like zinc chromate, zinc potas­sium chromate, zinc tetraoxichromate and strontium chromate, the TRK value/TLV — TWA value for chromium(VI) compounds of 0.05 mg m-3 calculated as CrO3 in total dust has to be complied with [5.111].

Lead — and chromate-containing anticorrosive pigments are classified for chronic toxicity as follows [5.109, 5.112, 5.113]:

Lead-containing anticorrosives (Red Lead, lead silicochromate)

Toxic for reproduction (unborn child): Rep. Cat. 1 / category RE 1

Fertility: Rep. Cat. 3 / category RF 3

Zinc chromate, zinc potassium chromate, zinc tetraoxichromate

Подпись: carcinogenic: Strontium chromate carcinogenic:Carc. Cat. 1 / category C 1 Carc. Cat. 2 / category C 2

Environmental Aspects

Air: Dust emissions from approved manufacturing plants must not exceed the fol­lowing total mass flows or mass concentrations (TA-Luft) [5.114]:

Lead: mass flow 2.5 g h-1 or mass concentration 0.5 mg m-3

Chromium: mass flow 5 g h-1 or mass concentration 1 mg m-3.

Water. According to German wastewater legislation [5.115] for inorganic pigment manufacturing processes discharging directly into public streams ofwater, the mass limits for lead and chromium related to approved tonnes of annual production ca­pacity (tprod) and the concentration limits for zinc are:


Подпись:Chromium (total)


Fish toxicity dilution index

Local or regional authorities, even for “non-direct” discharges into municipal sewer systems, might set lower limits.

The European Community classifies lead-containing anticorrosive pigments like Red Lead as well as zinc chromate, zinc potassium chromate, zinc tetraoxichromate, strontium chromate and, since 2000, also zinc phosphate as N, Dangerous for the environment (dead fish / tree) with the risk (R) and safety phrases (S) [5.112]:

R50/53 Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

560 This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.

561 Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/safety data sheets.

Waste: Waste containing lead-, zinc — and chromate-containing anticorrosive pigments that cannot be recycled must be taken to a special waste disposal site under proper control.

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