Methods of Determination

General Methods

Sampling with a suitable device (beaker, sampling scoop) is applicable for solid mate­rials, especially pigments, fillers, and resins in powder, granular, or lump form. For standards, see Table 1.1 (“Sampling”).

Standard climates are constant artificial climatic conditions with a defined temper­ature and humidity and limited ranges of air pressure and flow velocity. They can be set up in “clima” cabinets, closets, or rooms. The standard climate 23/50 (23°C and 50% relative humidity) is recommended. For standards, see Table 1.1 (“Climates”).

Evaluation Methods. In testing paint materials, paints, and other coating materials, the properties or variations in properties often cannot be described quantitatively but must be assessed subjectively. A uniform system of evaluation has been established in the form of a numerical scale to facilitate the assessment of results and mutual understanding. This system should only be used if a result cannot be obtained as a directly measured value. For standards, see Table 1.1 (“Test evaluation”).

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