Economic Aspects

Accurate production figures for natural and synthetic iron oxide pigments are difficult to obtain, because statistics often also include nonpigmentary oxides (e. g., red mud from bauxite treatment, intermediate products used in ferrite production). World production of synthetic iron oxides in 2002 was estimated to be 700,000 t with a value of about 970 millions US$; production of natural oxides was estimated be­tween 100,000 and 200,000 t. This uncertainty is due to the definition of the usage as pigment. The most important producing countries for synthetic pigments are Germany, the United States, Peoples Republic of China, Italy, Brazil, and Japan. The

natural oxides are mainly produced in France, Spain, Cyprus, India, Iran, Italy, and Austria.

Important manufacturers are Lanxess (formerly Bayer) (Germany), Elementis (USA), Rockwood (USA), Deqing Huayuan Pigments (China) andToda (Japan) [3.52].


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