Classification and Labeling

In the EC lead-, chromate — and zinc phosphate-containing anticorrosive pigments must be appropriately labeled. Such substances must carry the following symbols and indications of danger [5.112]:

Lead-containing anticorrosives (Red Lead, lead silicochromate)

T, Toxic (skull and cross bone)

N, Dangerous for the environment (dead fish/tree)

R-phrases: R61-20/22-33-50/53-62, S-phrases S53-45-60-61 Zinc chromate, zinc potassium chromate, zinc tetraoxichromate T, Toxic (skull and cross bone)

N, Dangerous for the environment (dead fish/tree)

R-phrases: R45-22-43-50/53, S-phrases S53-45-60-61 Strontium chromate T, Toxic (skull and cross bone)

N, Dangerous for the environment (dead fish/tree)

R-phrases: R45-22-50/53, S-phrases S53-45-60-61 Zinc phosphate

N, Dangerous for the environment (dead fish/tree)

R-phrases: R50/53, S-phrases S60-61.

According to Council Directive 1999/45/EC on Classification, Packaging and La­beling of Dangerous Preparations (Preparations Directive) [5.116] in conjunction with the 28th Adaption to Council Directive 67/548 on Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous Substances [5.112], such preparations have to be labeled in accordance with the limits set for the single R-phrases.

With respect to improved protection of public health, special restrictions on can — cerogenic and teratogenic substances and their corresponding preparations have been established by the Council Directive 94/60/EC (14th amendment of Council Directive 76/769/EEC) [5.117].

In accordance with the 14th amendment of Council Directive 76/769/EEC [5.117] and revised ChemVerbV [5.118], lead- and chromate-containing anticorrosive pig­ments are no longer permitted to be used by private consumers and have to be labeled with the phrase “Only for industrial purposes”.

For road transport in accordance with GGVSE [5.119] and ADR 2003 [5.120], lead-, chromate — and zinc phosphate-containing anticorrosive pigments are assigned to the following classes:

Lead-containing anticorrosives (Red Lead, lead silicochromate)

6.1 (T5), III (UN-No. 2291), hazard symbol 6.1 (Toxic),

Zinc chromate, zinc potassium chromate, zinc tetraoxichromate 9 (M7), III (UN-No. 3077), hazard symbol 9 Strontium chromate

9 (M7), III (UN-No. 3077), hazard symbol 9 Zinc phosphate

9 (M7), III (UN-No. 3077), hazard symbol 9.

For maritime transport, in accordance with the IMDG code [5.121], such anticor­rosive pigments have to be labeled additionally as marine pollutants.


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