Chrome Yellow

The chrome yellow pigments [1344-37-2], C. I. Pigment Yellow 34:77600 and 77603, are pure lead chromate or mixed-phase pigments with the general formula Pb(Cr, S)O4

[3.115] (refractive index 2.3-2.65, density ca. 6 g cm-3).

Chrome yellow is insoluble in water. Solubility in acids and alkalis and discol­oration by hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide can be reduced to a minimum by precipitating inert metal oxides on the pigment particles.

Both lead chromate and lead sulfochromate (the latter is a mixed-phase pigment) can be orthorhombic or monoclinic; the monoclinic structure is the more stable

[3.116] . The greenish-yellow orthorhombic modification oflead chromate is metastable

at room temperature, and is readily transformed to the monoclinic modification un­der certain conditions (e. g., concentration, pH, temperature). The latter modification occurs naturally as crocoite.

Partial replacement of chromate by sulfate in the mixed-phase crystals causes a gradual reduction of tinting strength and hiding power, but allows production of the important chrome yellows with a greenish yellow hue.

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