Chrome Green and Fast Chrome Green

Chrome greens, C. I. Pigment Green 15:77410 and 77600, are combined or mixed pigments of chrome yellow (see Section 3.4.1 and iron blue see Section 3.6) with the formula

Pb(S, Cr)O4 + Fe4III[FeII(CN)6]3 — x H2O

Fast chrome greens, C. I. Pigment Green 48:77600, 74160 and 74260, are combina­tions of chrome yellow (see Section 3.4.1) and phthalocyanine blue or phthalocyanine green. For high-grade fast chrome greens, stabilized and highly stabilized chrome yellows are used in practice.

The density and refractive index of chrome greens and fast chrome greens depend on the ratio of the components of the mixture. Their hues vary from light green to dark blue-green, again depending on the ratio of their components.

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