Priderite Pigments

BaNiTi yellow priderite pigments (BaNiTi7O16) are generally synthesized from BaCO3, basic nickel carbonate, and TiO2 in a high temperature reaction. One of the goals of the synthesis is to minimize the level of acid-soluble Ba in the prod­uct. The manufacturers have various techniques to accomplish this task. One dif­ficulty is achieving complete BaCO3 decomposition while avoiding a high temper­ature BaO/BaCO3 eutectic. The reaction is further complicated by intermediate BaxTiyOz species that form to various degrees during the calcination. Species such as BaTiO3, BaTi2O5, and BaTi4O9 are sometimes seen in the product because of poor stoichiometry, coarse raw materials, or poor reaction.

Only one patent was found for a priderite pigment [24]. Ivan investigated the formation of Ni, Cu, and Cr versions of priderite [40]. It is believed that BaNiTi priderite is currently the only commercial product.


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