Physical Properties Particle Size Distributions

The antiquated Fisher Sub-Sieve Sizer (FSSS) has been largely replaced by instru­ments that employ light scattering techniques, such as the Horiba LA910. These modern instruments measure particle size distributions (PSDs) over a size range of 0.02-1000 pm (microns or micrometers). Given proper dispersion and operat­ing techniques, very reproducible PSD results can be obtained. The titanate pig­ments have mean particle sizes ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 pm, many of them <1.0 pm. High-performance pigments should have no measurable fraction >10 pm, and often have 0%>3 pm. These properties enable Hegman grinds of >7 to be achieved and high-gloss coatings to be produced.

It must be remembered that pigments are controlled for color properties. Al­though the particle size affects the color properties, so do other factors. Lot-to-lot variations in mean particle size of 10% are not uncommon.

Although a modern instrument may indicate 100%<3 pm, it is important to rea­lize that there will still be a certain portion of particles >3 pm. In fact, most pig-

Figure 6.4 Reflectance spectra of two MnSbTi DR pigments exhibiting different curve slopes in the red.

ments show at least a trace of a residue on a 325 mesh (45 pm) screen, and a com­mon 325 mesh residue specification is <0.1% [1]. These coarse particles, as few as they may be, can be a problem for some of the newer applications. Test proce­dures to measure 400 mesh and 600 mesh residues have been developed to more critically characterize the coarse tails of the particle size distributions. Specifica­tions as tight as <0.005% (50 ppm) 600 mesh (20 pm) residue (V12100 MnSbTi brown, Ferro Corporation) can easily be met with modern processing techniques.

Optimum particle sizes can be calculated using Mie scattering theory. Such cal­culations show that the color properties of pigments could be significantly improved if a monosized pigment of the appropriate size could be made.

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