Current Programs for Toxicological and Ecotoxicological Assessment of HPPs

In recent years, an international effort has gained momentum to evaluate the key toxicological and ecotoxicological characteristics of high-production volume sub­stances, defined in the United States as substances with an annual production vol­ume greater than 1 million pounds and in the EU as substances with an annual production volume greater than 1 million kgs. Among HPPs being tested in Eur-

ope are copper phthalocyanine green (C. I. Pigment Green 7), while in the United States Quinacridone Reds 122 and 202 have been selected for possible future test­ing [10-12]. With the concept of “filling in the blanks,” compiling a “robust” sum­mary of tox/ecotox test results for the authorities to review, and posting this on the internet for all to see, the next few years should greatly expand our under­standing of the inherent safety to human health and the environment of high pro­duction volume substances, including high-performance pigments.


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