
Although the CrSbTi-DR pigments were originally designed for ceramic stain ap­plications, polymer applications dominate the field today. DR pigments can be used in almost any polymer, including vinyl (polyvinyl chloride), high tempera­ture engineering resins such as ABS and PPO, and fiber applications such as poly­propylene and nylon carpeting. MnSbTi DR pigments are used almost exclusively in vinyl applications. They have been called Iron-Free Browns because they have much greater IR reflectance and much better weathering than the Fe-containing browns.

DR pigments are used in paint applications where their properties are required, such as high-temperature paints and coil-coating paint systems based on fluoropo — lymers, silicone-polyester, and plastisol. The NiSbTi and CrSbTi DR pigments are

used in trade sale paints including acrylic house paints, general industrial paints in polyester systems, and fleet colors in thermoset acrylic, thermoplastic acrylic, and polyurethane systems. They are also used in polyester-based powder coating applications.

Several articles stress the use of titanate pigments in replacing cleaner and stronger heavy-metal lead and cadmium pigments. Enhancement of such inor­ganic replacement pigments with organic pigments gives improved color match­ing ability [42, 43].

Both NiSbTi and CrSbTi DR pigments were approved by FDA in 1999 for food contact (conditions B through H) applications at limited levels up to 1 or 2% depending on the application [44, 45].


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