The properties of wood-based panels are determined, in principle, by three parameters: wood, adhesive, and processing conditions. Only if all of these three parameters are correct and well balanced in the wood bonding process, can proper bonding results be achieved. The influence of the first parameter, wood, involves several factors. Bonded wood often is described as a chain of several links: wood (substance), wood surface, interface between wood and adhesive, surface of the glue line (boundary layer), and glue line itself. As is true for all such chains, the weakest link determines the strength of the chain, and in wood gluing this is in most cases the interface.

The strength of an adhesive bond depends on various parameters:

strength of the glue line and its behavior against stresses;

influence of humidity, wood moisture content, and wood preservatives added;

wood properties, which can influence the strength of the glue line and might cause internal stresses; and

mechanical properties of the wood material.

Hence wood, especially the wood surface and its interface with the bondline plays a crucial role in the quality of bonding and therefore the quality of the wood-based panels. Low or even no bonding strength can be caused by unfavorable properties of the wood surface, e. g., low wettability.

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