Preface to the Second Edition

What can one say about the second edition of any book, especially one like this compendium that contains 50% more material and pages than the rather popular first edition, is heavily revised, expanded, and modernized, and contains 10 new chapters? As editors we can simply say we are elated. This is all true, of course, but it sounds so dull! Some readers (particularly younger ones) may expect some profound truth in a preface, a noteworthy dedication, or even an unusual phrase to remember such as the one that graced the preface of another book (Advanced Wood Adhesives Technology, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1994). So here it is: On my (AP) first day as a university professor (at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg), I was profoundly impressed by the motto printed on the paper bookmark that was given to me by the administration clerk, ‘‘Wherever a site of higher learning stands, there stands a light in the darkness of human folly.’’ The university meant this to signify how good they were (and they were good, too). It goes much deeper than this, however. A site of learning does not need to be a university, or an industrial/research laboratory, but it can be more broadly defined as any source of learning, even, for instance, a book in such an arcane, specialized, but always fascinating, field as adhesives. It is for this reason that this volume has been revised and expanded, to function as a site of learning and a springboard for budding adhesive technologists. It is dedicated to next generations in the hope that they may build, and build rapidly, on the cumulative wisdom of many specialists distilled in this handbook.

This book, containing bountiful information, should serve for veterans as a commen­tary on the current state of knowledge regarding adhesives, and as a Baedeker for those who wish to make their maiden voyage into the wonderful and technologically important area of adhesives. In essence it should be valued by and of use to everyone interested, centrally or peripherally, in adhesives and should appeal to polymer chemists, surface chemists, adhesionists, and engineers, as well as users of adhesives.

We now have the pleasant task of thanking all those who helped in many and varied ways to bring this project to fruition. First, we are profoundly thankful to all the authors of the first edition for consenting to again be part of this much enlarged effort. Many contributors devoted time and effort to update their chapters. As any handbook can benefit from an injection of new blood, so our particular thanks must go to the contri­butors of new chapters. Our appreciation is extended to the staff of Marcel Dekker, Inc. for giving this book its form. In closing, we can happily say that it has been great fun working with all involved in this project.

A. Pizzi K. L. Mittal

Preface to the First Edition

Bonding different materials together by means of an adhesive may appear to most people as a mundane occurrence. In reality a great deal of technology backs the apparently simple action of bonding. Thus, a complex and advanced technology, or series of technologies, has arisen to deal with adhesives and their applications in many fields. The diversity of substrates and the continuous introduction of new processes and materials has ensured that the field of adhesives technology is one of the more swiftly expanding manufacturing endeavors. Some excellent handbooks on adhesives already exist although there are very few indeed. However, the expansion and diversity of this field has by necessity limited the number of technologies and relevant aspects described in such volumes. This volume is no exception to such a trend.

The editors and authors do not pretend that overlaps with other similar works do not exist since basic background is often necessary to understand more advanced concepts. This volume however covers some aspects of technology that are not described in other volumes of this type. It also often looks at already reported technologies from a very different angle. It is hoped that such a volume will help to fill some of the technological gaps between the existing literature and industrial reality.

The volume is divided into four main sections, the first being an introductory overview. The remaining three sections are concerned with (1) fundamental aspects, (2) adhesive classes, and (3) some fields in which application of adhesives is very extensive. All the contributors are known specialists in their fields who practice their specialties on a daily basis. Their chapters are the results of considerable knowledge and experience in their particular niches.

It is a pleasant duty for the editors and authors, on completing a volume of this nature, to acknowledge the help willingly given by friends, colleagues, their companies, and their institutions. Without their help and encouragement most of the chapters presented would not have seen the light of day. Last, but definitely not least, our thanks go to Marcel Dekker, Inc. and its staff for originating this book, for their help and encouragement, and for prompting us to finish it.

A. Pizzi K. L. Mittal

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