
Conventional plasticizers may be used in formulated products. Phthlate esters are the preferred plasticizers. They exhibit little tendency to migrate and have good compatibility with both resins and hardeners. Addition rates are typically 5 to 20%. Chlorinated plas­ticizers may be used to reduce flammability, especially in conjunction with antimony trioxide. The effect of plasticizer additions is generally to degrade most physical properties, although at low additions the effect is usually small. The effect of plasticizer additions on various important properties is as follows:

Pot life: lengthened

Impact resistance: increased

Peak exotherm, tensile strength, chemical resistance, HDT: decreased

It should be noted that plasticizers do not introduce marked flexibility into epoxy resin systems. Nor is this generally a desirable attribute in adhesive applications, where epoxies are usually selected because of their great strength.

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