In addition to the organometallic adhesion promoters, a large number of inorganic, orga- nometallic, and organic compounds have been investigated, usually in specific adhesives and coatings or on selected substrates. A comprehensive account of coupling agents in use prior to 1969 is provided by Cassidy and Yager [48]. Although much of the reported information on other adhesion promoters concerns their use with surface coatings or filled systems, it is likely that many would also be suitable for use with adhesives and have therefore been included in the interests of completeness.

A. Phosphorus-Containing Compounds

Tritolyl phosphate (TTP) has been examined as a pretreatment for E-glass in epoxide laminates and thermoplastic adhesives for bonding poly(vinyl chloride) to aluminum, steel to zinc, and acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene to aluminum [59]. Mono — and dipho­sphate esters have been claimed to be suitable adhesion-promoting primers for acrylic adhesives on metal [60,61], unsaturated acid phosphates have been suggested as primers for use on metals to be bonded with free radical initiated adhesives [42], and thiopho — sphate esters have been suggested for adhesives to be used on plastics, ceramics, and metals [62].

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