Mounting adhesives are needed for the fixation of components in circuit boards during the loading process using surface-mounting technology (SMT) prior to soldering. As an alternative method, electrical-conducting adhesives can be used for the fixation of components. The advantage of this technique is that the soldering process can be avoided. Using SMD components for loading of PCBs, either an adhesive or a solder paste is needed to fix the devices. Which variant is selected for a particular application depends primarily on the board design. If a mixed loading of SMD components together with leaded devices must be used, fixation by an adhesive is the only applicable variant, but by using pure SMD loading, both adhesive and solder paste can be applied. It must be noted that the strength of fixation achievable by adhesives is higher than that achievable by solder pastes. On the other hand, an additional technological process, complete curing of the adhesive, is necessary. This disadvantage can be mitigated by using electrical­conducting adhesives, thus avoiding soldering altogether.

Figure 3 UV-initiated polymerization of epoxies.

5. Processing behavior that meets such technological requirements as:

a. One-component systems to avoid mixing failures

b. Homogeneous systems, especially if filled adhesives are used

c. Sufficiently long pot life

d. Rheological behavior adjusted to the dosing process used

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