Miscellaneous Applications

Epoxy adhesives are popular for retail or consumer applications. They may be supplied as liquids, pastes, putties, or as one-pack systems in stick form. Considerable ingenuity has been employed in the packaging to ensure that stoichiometric ratios are roughly correct. They are usually available as 5 min systems using mercaptan accelerators or standard setting systems where amidopolyamine hardeners are preferred because their mix ratios are relatively noncritical, and they lend themselves to formulating 1:1 mix ratios (Section VI. G).

Mercaptan accelerators are also used for systems with very short pot life, in auto­matic dispensing machines which meter the components, mix, and dispense in seconds. Systems with pot lives of 40 s can be handled in automated production lines. Epoxy resins are employed in a number of other niche applications, including adhesives to control static buildup in computer installations, carveable epoxies for pattern making and tooling, and acid-resistant adhesives for fastening tops to automotive batteries and for laminating and repair of glass-reinforced plastics. A selection of guide formulations for various applica­tions follows.

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