In general, adhesion promoters may be used as pretreatments or as additives. In the former case the promoter is used either as a solution in a suitable solvent or solvent mixture or as a formulated primer [26]; in the latter case they may be incorporated into the adhesive in a self-bonding concept [25]. The technique of filter treatment can be regarded as representing both approaches, although there is no evidence of this being used in filled adhesive systems. There are advantages and disadvantages inherent in both approaches: the pretreatment method allows a specific adhesion promoter to be used on a specific substrate to obtain optimum adhesion but has the disadvantage of introducing a process that is not under the control of the manufacturer. In theory the self-bonding additive concept is almost universally desirable, but in practice there are several critical parameters that need to be recognized, including potential polymer reactions, depletion by water, and shelf life. In adhesive technology as opposed to surface coating technology, the additive approach may not be as effective [27,28].