The ASTM standard test D2559 was developed for specification of adhesives for structural laminated wood products for use under exterior exposure conditions. This standard test could be used to screen the best combination of parameters to achieve an adequate performance of the FRP-wood interface. Following the ASTM specifications, the specimens were subjected to the following three wet-dry cycles: (1) vacuum/pressure soaking followed by oven drying; (2) steam/pressure soaking followed by oven drying; (3) vacuum/ pressure soaking followed by oven drying. The total time required to complete the test was three days, and immediately after the last cycle, the bondline delamination was measured on all end-grain surfaces with the aid of a microscope. The delamination was measured as a ratio of the delaminated (debonded) length to total bondline length for each specimen. For the materials used (red maple and FRP composites), the 8% delamination limit as specified by the ASTM standard for hardwood species was used to evaluate the bond performance for all bilayer specimens.