The most commonly used initiator for anaerobic adhesives is cumene hydroperoxide. Many other hydroperoxides have been disclosed, such as t-butylhydroperoxide (XL), p-menthane hydroperoxide (XLI), diisopropylbenzene hydroperoxide (XLII), pinene hydroperoxide (XLIII), and methyl ethyl ketone hydroperoxide (XLIV) [40]. Some diperoxides, such as di-t-butylperoxide (XLV) and dicumylperoxide (XLVI), have been claimed, but these may function only because of hydroperoxide con­tamination [41].

Storage-stable anaerobic formulations can be prepared with no hydroperoxide if the methacrylate resin is aerated in the presence of an amide and a tertiary amine [42]. Anaerobic adhesives have been formulated with alkyl hydroxyethyl peroxides such as t-butyl-2-hydroxyethyl peroxide (XLVII) [43]. An adhesive formulated with t-butylperoxymaleic acid has improved surface adhesion (XLVIII) [44].

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