Fast-Setting Retail Epoxy Liquid

Base: DER 331 (3) 100.0 Hardener: Capcure 3-800 (12) 90.0

Capcure EH-30 (12) 10.0



Advantages of epoxy resin adhesives may be summerized as follows:

1. Ability to bind a wide range of substrates.

2. Negligible shrinkage during cure, which minimizes stresses.

3. Elimination of galvanic corrosion when bonding dissimilar metals.

4. Solvent-free liquids with open times similar to pot life.

5. Minimal clamping requirements.

6. High strength, good durability, and resistance to a wide range of environments.

7. Flexible formulating, permitting a wide range of pot lives, application condi­tions, and cured properties.

8. Stoichiometrically cured epoxies generally inert and physiologically harmless. Disadvantages are:

1. Two-component systems require mixing in correct ratios, with attendant pot-life problems.

2. Many components toxic or irritants.

3. Relatively poor heat resistance of many cured systems.

4. Inherent brittleness, requiring careful joint design.

5. Poor cure at low temperatures.

6. Careful surface preparation required.

7. Need for skilled applicators.

8. High cost.

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