
Occasionally, elastomers may be included in solvent-based formulations. Poly(vinyl butyral) improves adhesion to metal, as does nitrile rubber, while natural and synthetic rubbers may be incorporated to improve flexibility.


Epoxy resin adhesives are used mainly in niche applications rather than as general-purpose adhesives. Due to the high strengths that can be achieved and the relatively high costs, they are generally used in structural applications in both concrete and metal bonding. Their good electrical properties allied to low shrinkage and good durability suit them for potting and encapsulating. Low shrinkage and good gap filling make epoxies ideal for applications where clamping is difficult, while the fact that both components are generally liquid up to the moment of cure means that they can be used where applications con­straints require long open or assembly times. Conversely, systems with very short cure times are perfect for consumer applications. Good adhesion to nonporous surfaces allows them to be used in demanding situations. They find major outlets in the construction, automotive, and electronics industries.

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