Two types of FRP-wood interfaces are evaluated: FRP strips (plates) bonded to wood, and wood cores wrapped with FRP by filament winding. The wood material used is red maple, and the reinforcing material consists of either E-glass fiber rovings embedded in a phenolic resin matrix, or E-glass fiber rovings filament wound in an epoxy matrix. The phenolic fiber-reinforced plastic [phenolic FRP: 113 yield rovings (6.12/cm) and 28.35 g (1 oz) continuous strand mat surface layers; fiber volume fraction Vf = 51%] composite material was produced by the pultrusion process; whereas the epoxy fiber-reinforced plastic (epoxy FRP: PPG high bond 250 yield rovings at ±45°; Vf = 33.6%) composite material was produced by the filament winding process. For the phenolic FRP composite, two types of commercial wood adhesives were used to bond the wood to FRP strips: resorcinol formaldehyde (RF) (Penacolite® G-1131) and phenol-modified resorcinol formaldehyde (PRF) (Penacolite® R-400). For the epoxy FRP composite, the interface bond between the wood and FRP is directly achieved by the epoxy resin used in the filament winding process. Two distinct coupling agents, hydroxymethylated resorcinol (HMR) [9] and RF, were used as primers on the wood surface, because of the potential for improving the bond performance significantly.