The main parameter for the application of tannins as adhesives for wood-based panels is the content of reactive polyphenols and the reactivity of these components towards formaldehyde. Tannins can be used as adhesives alone (with a formaldehyde component as crosslinker) or in combination with aminoplastic or phenolic resins. These resins can react chemically with the tannin component in a polycondensation reaction, form only two interpenetrating networks, or both. The simplest adhesive mix formulation consists of the tannin solution and powdered paraformaldehyde as crosslinker [283]. The addition of paraformaldehyde can cause in the short term a relatively high level of formaldehyde emission. Glue mixes using paraformaldehyde for the production of particleboards with low formaldehyde emission are described and used industrially [284]. In the literature a large number of papers describe the combinations of tannins with synthetic resins (Table 14).
Application of Tannins as Adhesives