Figure 5 shows two ferrite magnets being held on a typical fixture prior to DC motor assembly. A special viscosity grade of rapid curing, moderate tensile, high-durability adhesive acrylic is depicted on the vertically held magnets. An easily dispensable viscosity was combined with a nondripping rheology as part of the customizing process for the manufacturer. After dispensing, the DC motor can be placed (usually robotically) over the ferrite fixture. A rotation of the timing table opens springs on the fixture and the magnets are pressed against the can with 20-50 lb pressure. Fixture strength occurs within 10-30 s, depending on the adhesive grade chosen, whereupon the bonded can may proceed to the next assembly step.

A 100% quality assurance check can be made within 2-5 min by pushing on the bonded ferrites at a predetermined force with a ‘‘go-no-go’’ gauge.

One vendor for DC motors experienced a rejected assembly about once in every 10,000 units. This simple go-no-go test finds this small number of rejects, which are then recycled.

Parts can be easily cleaned and rebonded, eliminating concerns of waste disposal.

Figure 6 illustrates high adhesive strength combined with UV cure, e. g., a sealant being applied to a zinc-plated DC motor flange. UV cure is obtained in about 30 s.

The plastic headlamp is structurally bonded together in the same time frame. Two adhesives are used; one adheres to the nylon reflector, the other to the lens.

A capacitor potting compound needs aggressive adhesion to the metal can edges, providing a positive seal despite stresses induced during thermal changes.

The cost savings realized from process improvement, quality improvement, and worker environment have resulted in aerobic adhesives being widely used in DC motor assembly. One motor, entirely constructed using a combination of aerobic adhesives, press bits, and swagging, is illustrated in Fig. 7. Both activator and UV curing methods are used where these cure technologies maximize productivity and durability.

Figure 6 High adhesive strength combined with UV cure.

Figure 6 (Continued).

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