When dyes are exposed to daylight or sunlight, they undergo a change and are discolored and bleached. The rate of this fading varies greatly with different dyes and with different depths of color. Thus, some dyes are extensively faded by exposure to sunlight for 1 day, or even for a few hours. Others show a definite fading only after several days or weeks, or even after many months. Such dyes are said to have widely different light fastness.
The rapid growth of the synthetic dye industry made it necessary, at an early stage, to classify dyes according to their degree of light fastness. To this end, each individual manufacturer set Up his own classification by comparing his dyes with standards arranged in order of increasing light fastness. The standards used were entirely arbitrary, and there was no relation between the standards of one manufacturer and those of another. A common basis was arived at only after the formation, in 1911, of the Deutsche Echtheitskommission. A series of eight standard degrees of light fastness was set up, the first degree representing the lowest, and the eighth, the highest light fastness.
As a result of this effort, comparison standards for cotton and wool were distributed for the first time in 1914 and 1916. Then, after a long interval and contrary to the original decision, 5-degree standards were put out between 1926 and 1928 for unweighted silk, weighted silk, viscose rayon, and acetate silk. With these standards, it was possible for the first time to classify dyes in fastness groups according to a uniform system.
However, serious defects were soon apparent even in this system. After the six standard scales were prepared, requiring 33 dyes, the process of arriving at a reliable estimation of the degree of light fastness was very complicated and difficult because of the variations in color in the standards. Also, there was the difficulty that there was no uniformity of gradation in the standard dyeings with different textile fibers, and so the lastness ratings with different textiles were not comparable. This defect was especially troublesome with the artificial silks, particularly the mixed-fiber fabrics. From the fastness tables put out by the dye manufacturers, it was quite impossible for the dyers to select dyes of equal light fastness for use with mixed-fiber fabrics. Some remedy had to be worked out.
The I. G. Farbenindustrie worked for many years in an attempt to develop better standards for the different textile fibers, but these efforts did not achieve the desired improved standardization. During the course of this work, however, it became increasingly evident that other factors, in addition to exposure to light, had a significant effect on dye bleaching. Among these other factors were temperature, light intensity, and especially humidity and nature of the substrate. Thus, the fading of dyes on cotton and artificial silks was greatly affected by humidity, being much more rapid in moist air than in a dry atmosphere.’Wool dyes, on the other hand, showed a much smaller dependence on humidity, as shown by extensive tests in which cotton and wool dyes were given identical exposures under the varying climatic conditions prevailing in some eighteen locations around the world.
These data led to the evolution of eight new dyeing standards for wool. Attempts were made to circumvent the troubles due to variations In tint and to limit the standards to a single constant tint. Gray would have been the best color to use for this purpose, because it would be the easiest to compare with all the different colors. Unfortunately, however, there were not enough gray dyes available for the purpose. The situation was much better with blue dyes, and it was possible, by careful selection of dyes and depths of coloring, to arrive at a set of eight standards making up an approximately geometric series with respect to fight fastness. Within this series, then, each step requires about twice the exposure of the preceding step to produce the same degree of fading. It must be emphasized that the light fastness ratings 1 to 8 do not give a direct measure of the actual fastnesses. An idea of the magnitude of this progression is best afforded by a practical example. If Standard 1 shows definite fading after 2 days’ exposure, the other standards will require approximately the following exposure times:
Standard……………………………………. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Exposure, days……………………………. 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
Since these values vary, depending on the brightness of the daylight and the hours of sunshine, they must be regarded as approximate, average values.
The figures given above show clearly that groups 1 to 3 correspond to a very low light fastness, group 4 to medium, and group 5 to higher fastness. The groups from 6 on withstand rapidly increasing exposure times, and group 8 can be regarded as being outstandingly fast. These dyes in group 8 fulfill the very highest requirements, particularly since most textile fibers themselves are badly damaged or even completely destroyed on such long exposures. The light fastness ratings from 1 to 4 are given in whole numbers and those above 4 are expressed, if necessary, in half steps.
These new standards were accepted by the German Echtheitskom — mission and were published for the first time in the 6th edition of Ver fahren, Normen und Typen.[79] In the meantime, the series has been still further improved, and in the 8th edition, the present official standards were set up as follows:
Fastness rating 1………………………… 0.8% Brilliant wool blue FFR extra
2 1-0% Brilliant wool blue FFB
3 1.2%.. Brilliant indocyanine 6B
4 1.2%.. Supramine blue EG
5 1.0%.. Cyananthrol RX
6 3.0%.. Alizarin direct blue 3 GL
7 3.0%.. Indigosol 06 В
8 3.0%.. Indigosol blue AGG
Although the dyeing procedure was accurately described, it was still difficult for the outsider to dye up his own set of these blue standards. Hence, in order to eliminate all sources of error, the standards have been supplied free of charge by the German Echtheitkommission and by German and Swiss dye manufacturers.
The introduction of these standards simplified matters a great deal. By their use, it became possible to compare dyes of any depth or tint and, of special importance, on all the various fibers. Thus, this set of blue standards has become an absolute standard for the determination of light fastness and it has become possible to assign a numerical value for light fastness to every dye used in practice.
The actual determination of light fastness is very simple. The dyed material to be tested and the blue standard are half covered with cardboard and exposed together to daylight. The samples are exposed at least 2 cm. behind ultraviolet-transmitting glass in well-ventilated frames set at a 45-degree angle facing the south. When a distinct fading is observed in the test sample, a narrow strip of the exposed portion of the sample and of the standard is covered with cardboard, and exposure is continued until a definite change is again observed. A second strip is then covered and the exposure continued. The method must be changed somewhat if several dyed samples, differing in light fastness, are to be compared with the blue standards. In this case, exposure is continued, without regard for the fading of the samples being tested, until standard 4 shows a definite fading. Then a strip of the standards and test samples is covered, and exposure continued until standard 6 is observed to fade. A second strip is then covered, and exposure continued until standard 7 shows a distinct change. In this way, three fading strips are formed across the standards and the test samples. The fastness of a sample is then easily determined by locating the standard corresponding in degree of fading, and the fastness rating is then the number of the corresponding standard. The ratings can also be expressed in words as follows: 1, small; 3, moderate; 5, good; 6, very good; 7, excellent; 8, outstanding.
A simple and usable method has thus been found for determining the light fastness of dyed materials. There was still a need for a standard method for the evaluation of dyes. As is well known, a dye fades more rapidly in light tints than in the deeper tints, and different fastness ratings are obtained for one and the same dye depending on the depth of tint.
As a first step, it was necessary to establish exactly the depth of tint upon which the fastness of a dye was to be based. To this end, so-called auxiliary standards were set up, these being standardized dyeings, of equal depth of tint, in the most important colors: yellow, orange, red, violet, blue, green, brown, and gray. Marine blue and black were exceptions, these colors being based on more saturated shades corresponding to their use in practice.
A second important point involves a consideration of the textile fiber used. A direct dye on cotton, for example, exhibits a different degree of light fastness from the same dye on glossy viscose or on matte artificial silk. Still greater differences are found between weighted and unweighted silks, the former giving a lower degree of light fastness. It was necessary, therefore, to set up auxiliary standards using the more important fibers such as cotton, artificial silk, acetate silk, weighted natural silk, unweighted natural silk, and wool. These auxiliary standards can be ordered from the German or Swiss Echtheitkommission or from dye manufacturers.
These auxiliary standards are consistent in depth of tint for all colors
and all fibers, and bence the light fastness ratings for all dyes on all the fibers can be compared directly.
Marine blue and black are handled separately as already pointed out. Because they use a different strength for the auxiliary standards, marine blues can be compared directly only with themselves, and a black with blacks.
Fig. 57. Step exposure. |
This is still not the complete picture. It is desired to give the dyers information about the fastness properties of light and dark tints, as well as of the middle tones. To this end, it was arranged that dyes should be evaluated in three depths of tint, having the relationship to the auxiliary standard of 1/3, 1, and 2. That is to say, the light tints were prepared using one-third, and the dark tints with twice, the amount of dye required to produce the depth of tint in the standard. In special cases, deviations from this rule were necessary, as with light rose or gray tones where one-sixth or one-ninth tints may be evaluated, or with saturated browns where four — or sixfold depths of tint may be used. The ratios use, d must always be specified. With marine blues, a double tint, and with black, a deep black, are measured.
Because of the varying strengths of dyes, these one-third and double tints are not of equal depth and hence are not comparable with each other. Comparable fastness ratings are usually signified by printing in bold face type.
This new method is the basis for determining the light fastness ratings by German and Swiss manufacturers. Tables are given, listing three ratings for all dyes on all the textile fibers with which they are used.
This system for evaluating dyes meets all the requirements of the dyeing trade. Each dyer is now able to select, from the tables, dyes which will be equal in light fastness for use with mixed fibers, and at the safne time, have information about their behavior in light and dark tints.
Similar efforts are being made in England and America. Indepen-
1. 6-Chloro-2-amlnoplienol-4-sulfonic acid
2. 3f4-Diehloroanlline-6-sulfonic acid
(No. 12, Table IV)
3. 2,4,5-Trichloroaniline
4. 4r5-Dichk>FO-2-aiiiinophenol
5. 4,5-Dichloro-2-anisidine
6. в-СЫого-4-aminoresorcinol dimethyl ether
7. Naphthol AS ITR
B. p-Phenylenediamine (paramine brown)
(No. I, Table IV, and No. 5, Table VII)
9. 3,4-Dichloro-6-nitroaniIine (No. 7, Table IV)
10. 4’Chloro-2-nitroaniline (fast red 3 CL base)
11. Lithol fast yellow CC
12. p-Dichlorobenzene
13. 4,e-Dichloro-2*aminophenol (No. 23t
Table VUI)
14. 4-CMoro-2-aminophenal
15. 4 Chloro-2-aminophenol-6-sulfonic acid
16. 4-Chloro-2*aminophenol-5-sulfonic acid
17. e-Nitro-4-chk>ro-2-aminophenol
18. 4-Chloro2-anisidine (chioranisidine P, fast
red R base)
19. Dichlorodianisidine
20. 2t5-Dichloro-/>-phenylenediamine
21. 6-Nitro-4-chloro-3-anisidine
22. 2,5-Diamino-4chloroanisole
23. 2>5-Dichloroaniline (fast scarlet CC base)
24. 2,5-Dichloroaniline-4-sulfonic acid
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1. o-Chlorometanilic acid
2. o-Aminoplienol-p-sulfonic acid
3. o-Anisidine-p-suifonic acid (No. 9, Table Ш)
4. o-Aminodiphenylether-p-sulfonic acid
5. Aniline-2t5-disdfonic acid
6. o-Nitroaniline-p-sulfonic acid
7. 2,6-Diaminophenol-4-sulfonic acid (No. 12, Table VIII)
8. 6-Nitro-2-aminophenoI-4-sulfonic acid (nitro acid I)
(No. II. Table VIII)
9. 2.6-Dinitroaniline-4-sulfonic acid
10. 2,6-Dinitroaniiine
11. 2.e-Dinitrodiphenylamine-4,3′-disulfonic acid
12. Tetrazo compound of No. 7
1 OCH, (7fH* НгКЧ^1 |
1. o-Chloroaniline (fast yellow G base)
2. 2jChloroaniline 4*sulfonic acid (No. 10, Table VII)
3. o-Nitroaniline (fast orange GR base) (No. 1, Table VII)
4. o-Dianistdine, л
5. 4-Nitro-2-anisid! ne (fast scarlet R base) (No. 4, Table V)
6. 0‘Anisidine (fast red BB base)
7. 5 Nitro-2-anlsidine (fast red В base)
8. 2,5-Diaminoanisole
9. o-Anisidine-p-sulfonlc acid (No. 3, Table II)
10. Guaiacol
11. VantUin
12. 2-Anisidine-4-dtethylsu]famide (fast red ITR base)
13. o^Phenetidine
14. oAminodiphenyl ether
15. o Aminophenol (No. 16. Table VIII)
16. 5-Nitro-2-aminophenol (No. 17, Table VIII)
17. Aniline o-sulfonic acid (No. 6, Table VIII)
18. 8-Hydroxyquinoline
1. p-Phenylenediamine (paramine brown) (No. 8,
Table 1, and No. 5, Table Vll)
2. Chloro-p-phenylenediamine (No. 9, Table VI)
3. p-Aminophenyloxamic acid
4. p-Nitroaniline (fast red GG base) (No. 4, Table Vll)
5. 2-Chloro-4- nitroaniline
6. ^e-Dichloro^-nitroaniline
7. 3.4-Dichlorо-в-nitroaniline (No. 9, Table 1)
8. 4 • N itro-e-chloro-2-am inopheno!
9. 2-Chloro-4-anisidine (fast red R base)
10. 5-Nitro-2-chloro-4-anisidine
11. 3,4-Dichloroaniline
12. 3,4-Dichloraaniline-e-sulfon»c acid (No. 2. Table 1)
13. 4-Anisidine-3-su]fonic acid
14. p-Ani$idine
15. 3-Nitro*4-anisidine (fast Bordeaux GP base)
16. 4-‘Anisidine-2-sulfonic acid
17. 4-Aminodiphenylether-3-sulfonic acid
18. 4-Acetamino-2-aminophenol-e-sulfonic acid
19. p-Aminophenol (No. 22, Table VIII)
20. 6-Nitro-4^acetamino-2»aniinophenQl
21. p-Nitrophenol (No. 15. Table УШ)
22. 4»Acetamino-2-aminophenol (No. 14. Table V)
23. Monomethyl-p-aminophenol
24. p-Aminophenol-o-sulfonic acid
25. 4-Nitro-2-aminophenol-6-su]fonic acid (nitro acid III)
26. p-Nitroaniline-o-sulfonic acid
27. p-Phenylenediaminesulfonic acid
28. Benzoyl-p-phenylenediamfnesulfonic acid
29. 4-Chloroaniline*2-sulfonic acid
30. 4-Chloroaniline-3-sulfonic acid
31. p*Chloroaniline
32. 4-Aminodiphenylamine-2-sulfonic acid
33. 4r4′-Diaminodiphenylurea*3,3′.disulfonic acid
34. Nitrophenylenediamine (No. 6. Table Vll)
35. 4>Aminodiphenylether>2*sulfonic add
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1. Chloro-m-phenylenediamine
2. Chloro-m-phenylenediaminesulfonic acid
3. 6-Chloro-3-nitroaniline
4. 4-Nitro-2-anisidine (fast scarlet R base)
(No. 5, Table 111)
5. 2,4-DiaminoaniSole
6. 2,4-Dinitroaniline
7. p-Aminoazimide of J acid
8. m-Phenylenediaminesulfonic acid
9. 2,4- Dinitrochlorobenzene
10. Hexanitrodiphenylamine
11. 2,4-Dinitro-4′-hydroxydiphenylamine
12. 4,6-Diacetamino-2-aminophenol
13. 2,4-Diaminophenol
14. 4-Acetamino-2-aminophenol (No. 22,
Table IV)
15. 4*Nitro-2-aminophenol
16. 2,4-Dinitrophenol
17. Picric acid (No. 8, Table VIII)
18. Picramic acid (No. 9, Table VIII)
19. 4-Nitro-e-acetamino-2-aminophenol
20. 4-Nitro-6-chloro-2*aminophenol
hnos + no2
1. m-Phenylenediamine
2. Diphenyl*m-phenylenediamine
3. m-Nitroaniline (fast orange R base)
4. m-Aminophenylglycine
5. 3-Chloro-6-nitroaniline-4-sulfonic acid
6. 3-Chloro-6-nitroaniline (same as No. 14)
7. 3-Chloroaniline-4.suIfonic acid
8. 4-Nitro-3-chloroaniline
9. Chloro-p-phenylenediamine (No. 2. Table IV)
10. m*Chloroaniline (fast orange GC base)
11. 3-Chlofoaniline-6-sulfonic acid
12. 2-Chloro-4-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
13. 4,e~Dianillnometanilic acid
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14. Same as No. 6
15. 2,4-DichloroanUine (No. 7, Table VII)
16. m-Aminopbenol
17. Metanilic acid (No. 5, Table VIII)
18. Dialkylmetanilic acid (No. 30, ТаЫе VII)
19. Dialkyl-m-aminophenol (No. 31, Table VII)
20. Nitrosodialkyl*m-aminophenol
21. Benzidine-2,2’-disulfonic acid
22. Benzidine
23. Benzidine-3-sulfonic acid
24. Benzidine-3,3’-disulfonic acid
25. Benzidineoxamic acid
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1. 0‘Nitroaniline (fast orange GR base) (No. 34 Table III)
2. Acetanilide (antifebrin)
3. p-Aminoacetanilide
4. p-Nitroanil’sne (fast red GG base) (No. 4. Table IV)
5. p-Phenylenediamine (paramine brown) (No. 8, Table I.
and No. 1. Table IV)
6. Nitro-p-phenylenediamine (No. 34. Table IV)
7. 2,4~Dichloroaniline (No. 15. Table VI)
8. 2,4,6-Trichloroaniline
9. Aniline^^d’tsulfonic acid
10. 2jChloroanil! ne*4-sulfon>c acid (No. 2, Table III)
11. Sulfanilic acid
12. 2j&‘DtchIoroaniIine*4«suIfontc acid
Principal Use Azo dyes (lake, ice colors) Antipyretic Azo dyes Azo dyes Oxidation dye, fur dyeing Oxidation dye* fur dyeing Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes, azines. acid anthraquinone dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes |
13. 2,6-DichIoroantline
(continued in Table Vllb)
Principal Use
Mulbple Tartrazine Azo dyes Tartrazine
Azo dyes, pharmaceutical Azo dyes Indigo Azo dyes
Photography (sensitizers) Photography (sensitizers).
quinophthalone dyes Azo dyes
Pharmaceutical (sulfanilamide) Pharmaceutical
25. Phenylglycine
26. Acetoacetanilide
27. p-Nitrosodimethylaniline
28. fbAminodimethylaniline
29. p-Aminodimethylanilinemercaptan
30. Dimethyhnetanilicacid (No. 18,Table VI)
31. Dimethyl-m-aminophenol (No. 19, Table 6)
32. Monomethylaniline 1
33. Dimethylaniline J
34. p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
35. 4,4′-Tetramethyldiaminophenylmethane (methane base)
36. 4,4′-Tetramethyldiaminobenznydral (Michler hydrol)
37. 4.4’*Tetramethyldianiinobenzophenone (Michler ketone) 36. Diethylaniline 1
39. Monoethylaniline J
40. Monoethytp-phenylenediamine
41. Benzvlaniline (No. ll, Table IX)
42. Et hy Ibenzylanili ne
43. EthyJbenzylanilinesulfonic acid
44. Dibenzylaniline
45. Ethylhydroxyethylaniline
46. Hydroxyethylaniline
47. Dihydroxyethylaniline
48. Diphenylaminemonosulfonic acid
49. Diphenylamine
50. p-Aminodipbenylamine (diphenyl black base,
vari amine blue RT base)
51. Ouinone
52. Hydroquinone
53. Aminohydroquinonedimethyl ether
54. 5-Nitro-2-aminohydroquinonedimethyl ether
55. 5-Benzoylamino-2-aminohydroquinone dimethyl ether
(fast blue RR base)
1. Phenol-m-sulfonic acid
2. Resorcinol
3. m-Hydroxydiphenylamine
4. Resorcylic acid
5. Metanilic acid (No. 17. Table VI)
6. Aniline-o-sulfonic acid (No. 17, Table III)
7. 2-Aminophenol-4,6-disulfonic acid
8. Picric acid (No. 17, Table V)
9. Picramic acid (No. 18, Table V)
Ш. Phenol-p-sulfonic acid
11. 6-Nitro-2-aiuinophenoI-4-.sulfonic acid. (nitroacidl) (No. 8, Table II)
12. 2,6-Di;iiiiinopheroI-4-sulfonic acid
(No. 7» Table 11)
13. oNitroplienol
14. o-Aniinophenol-p-sulfonic acid
15. p-NitrophenoI (No. 21, Table IV)
16. o-Aminophenol (No. 15, Table III)
17. 5-Nitro-2-aminophenol (No. 16, Table III)
18. Phenol
19. p-Phenetidine
20. Phenacetin
21. o-Chlorophenol
22. p-Aminophenol (No. 19, Table IV)
23. 4,6-Dichloro-2-aminophenol (No. 13, Table I)
24. p-Chlorophenol
25. 2,4-Dichiorophenol
26. Chloranil
27. p-Nitrosophenol
28. p-Aminosalicylic acid
29. Salicylic acid
30. p-Chloro-o-aminosalicylic acid
31. Same as No. 22
32. Carbazoleindophenol
33. Sulfosalicylic acid
34. p-Sulfo-o-aminosalicylic acid
Principal Use
Disinfectant, azo dyes, triphenylmethanes, sulfur dyes Azo dyes Antipyrectic Azo dyes
Photography (developer), sulfur dyes, fur dyeing Azo dyes (chrome)
Azo dyes, anthraquinone dyes Disinfectant
Sulfur dyes, vat dyes (helindone), oxazines Indophenols. sulfur dyes Azo dyes (chrome)
Azo dyes, triphenylmethanes, anthraquinone dyes, pharmaceutical Azo dyes (chrome)
Vat dye (hydrone blue)
Azo dyes
Azo dyes (chrome)
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1. Benzyl alcohol
2. Benzaldehyde (oil of bitter almond)
3. o-Nitrobenzaldehyde
4. m-Nitrobenzoyl chloride
5. m-Nitrobenzaldehyde
6. m-Aminobenzaldehyde
7. o-Nitrocinnaniic acid
8. Benzotricliloride
9. Benzoyl chloride
10. m-Hydroxybenzaldehyde
11. Benzylaniline (No. 4lf ТаЫе VII)
12. Benzamide
13. Cinnamaldehyde
14. Phenylacetyl chloride
15. o-ToluenesuIfamide Ів. p-Toiuenesulfamide
17. Nitro-p-phenylenediamine
18. p-Chlorobenzoic acid
Principal Use Perfume
Perfume» triphenyhuethanes, acridines Indigo
Azo dyes (rosanthrene), pharmaceutical
Triphenylme thanes
Anthraquinone vat dyes
Ciba lake red В
Azo dyes
19. 2,4-DichIorobenzoyI chloride
20. 4t6-Dichloro-3-iiminoben/.(>i( acid
21. Benzaldehyde-o-sulfonic acid
22. o-Chlorobenzaldehydc
23. o-Chlorobenzoic acid
24. 6-Chioro-3-aiuinobenzoic acid
25. 6-ChIoro-2-toIuidine-4-siiIfi>nic acid
26. o-Chlorobenzoyl chloride
27. 6-ChIoro-3-toIuidine-4-suIfonic acid 28 6-Cldoro-3-toluidine
29. 2-Toluidine-4-sulfonic acid
30. 2-Amino-4-cresol
31. Benzaldehyde2t4disuIfonic acid
32. 2.6-Toluylenediamine-4-sulfonic acid
33. p-Cresol
Principal Use Azo dyes (anthosines) Azo dyes Triphenylmethanes Triphenylmethanes Anthraqninone-acridones Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes* vat dyes Azo dyes (lake) Azo dyes Azo dyes Rhodamines Triphenylmethanes Azo dyes Disinfectant, a/о dyes Azo dyes (lake) Azo dyes |
<34. p-Sulfoanthranilic acid
35. o-Tolidine-m-disulfonic acid
36. Benzidine-3,3′-dicarboxylic acid
37. 6-Chloro-2-toluidine (fast scarlet TR base)
38. 2,6-Dichlorobenzaldehyde
39. 2-ChJoro-6-nitrobenzaldehyde
40. Same as No. 3
41. 4-CUoro-2-toluidine (fast red KB base)
42. 4-Chloro-2-toluidine-5-sulfonic acid
43. 4-Chloroanthranilic acid
44. o-Tolidine
45. Diacetoacet-o-tolidide (naphthol AS G)
46. 2-Toluidine-5-suIfonic acid
47. Monomethyl-o-toliiidine
48. 5»Anilino-2-aniino-3-mercaptotoluene
49. o-Toluidine
50. 3*Cliloro(bromo)-2-toluidine-5-sulfonic acid
51. >3-Chloro(bromo)-2-toIuidine
52. 6-Nitro-2rt<iluidine
53. 5-Nitro-2-toluidine (fast red RL base)
54. 4-Nitro-2-toluidine (fast scarlet C base)
55. 5-ChIoro-2-tbluidine (fast red TR base)
Azo dyes Azo dyes (ice colors) Triphenylmethanes Halogenated indigo Azo dyes (ice colors* hike) Azo dyes (lake) Azo dyes Azo dyes (subst.) Azo dyes (ice colors) Azo dyes Di — and triphenylmethanes* thiazines Sulfur dyes Multiple Azo dyes (tartrazine) Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes (ice colors) Azo dyes (ice colors), thioindigo dyes Azo dyes (ice colors) Azo dyes |
56. 3-Nitro-2-toluidine
57. m-Tohiylenediamine
58. m-Toluylenediaminesulfonic acid
59. 2-ChIoro-4-toIuidine-5-sulfonic acid
60. Trinitrotoluene
61. 2-Chloro-4-toIuidine
62. 5-Nitro-2-chb>ro-4-toluidine
63. 2j6-D»cIiloro-4-toluidine
64. 4-Toluidine-2-sulfontc acid
65. 4-Nitrotaluene-2-sulfonic acid
66. pTp/-Dianiinostilbenedisutfonic acid
67. 4-Toluidine-3-sulfonic acid
68. 2-Nitro-4-toluidine
69. p-Toluidine
70. 3-Nitro-4-toluidine (fast red C base)
71. 3-ChIoro-4-toluidine
72. Cresidine
73. m-Toluidine
74. Dimcthyl-m-toluidine
75. Ethylbenzyl-m-toluidine
76. Etliylbenzyl-m-t61uidinesulfonic acid
Principal Use
Azo dyes, acridines, azines, sulfur dyes
Azo dyes
Azo dyes (lake)
Explosive Azo dyes (lake)
Azo dyes (lake)
Azo dyes Azo dyes
Stilbene dyes (subst.)
Azo dyes (subst.)
Azo dyes Azo dyes Multipe
Azo dyes (lake, ice colors)
Azo dyes
Azo dyes (middle comp.)
Azo dyes
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1. I-Naphthylamine-2,4-disulfonic acid
2. l-Diazo-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid (cf. No. 29, Table XII)
3. 2.4-Dinitro-l-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid (naphthol yellow S)
4. l-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid
5. Ethyl-o-naphthylamine
6. о-Naphthol (No. 1, Table XI)
7. 2.4-Dinitro-l-napbthol (Martius yellow)
8. 4-Benzoyl-I-naphtho!
9. o*Naphthylamine
10. l-Naphthylamine-5,7-disulfonic acid (No. 3, Table XI)
11. l-Amino-Snaphthol-7-sulfonic acid (M acid) (No. 4, Table XI)
12. Phenyl-o-napnthylamine
13. I-Naphthylamine-4-sulfonic acid (naphthionic acid)
14. l-Naphthol-4-sulfonic acid (Nevile-Winther acid)
15. l-Naphthylamine-4,e-disulfonic acid (Dahl acid)
16. l-Naphthylamine-4t7-disulfonicacid (Dahlacid)
17. 1,5-Dinitronaphthalene
18. 15-Diaminonaphthalene
19. 13-Dinitronapnthalene
20. Perimidine
21. l-Amino-8-naphthol3-su]f<Muc acid (No. 14, Table XI)
1. e-Naphthol (No. 6, Table X)
2. l-Naphthylaniine-5-sulfonic acid
3. l*Naphtbylaniine-5+7-disulfonic acid (No. 10,
ТаЫе X)
4. l-Amino-5-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid (M acid)
No. П, Table X)
5. l-Naphthylamine-4,8-disulfonic acid (S acid)
6. l-Naphtliol-4,8-disulfonic acid (Schoellkopf
7. l-NaphtIiylmiiine-8-suIfonic acid (peri acid)
8. I-Phenylnaphthylamine«8-sulfonic acid
9. l-Ainino-8-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid
10. l-Amino-5-naphthol
11. l-Amino-8-naphthol-4-su]fonic acid (S acid)
12. 18-Dihydroxynaphthalene-4-sulfonic acid
13. l-Amino-8naphthol
14. l-Amino-8-naphthol-5-sulfonic acid (No. 21,
Table X)
15. I-Aniino-8-naplithol-5,7-disulfonic acid
16. 2-AininonaphlIialene-4.8-disulfonic acid (C
17. l-Amino~8-naphthol-2,4~disulfonic acid (SS
acid. Chicago acid )
18. I-NaplitIiylainine-4,6,8-trisulfonic acid
19. I-Amino-&iiaphthol-41.6-di. suIfonic acid (K
20. l-Benzoyliiinino-8 napIithob4,e-disu]fonic acid
(Anthosine acid)
21. I-Naphthylaniine-3,8-disulfonic acid
22. l-Naphthol-3 8-disulfonic acid (Epsilon acid)
23. l,3-Dianilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid
24. I-Naphthol-5-sulfomc acid
25. 1,5-Diliydroxynaphthalene
26. l-Naphthol-3f6-disulfonic acid (Rudolf Giircke
27. l-Naphthol-3,63-trisu]fonic acid
28. l,8*Dihydroxynaphthalene*3,e-disulfonic acid
(chromotropic acid)
29. l-Naphthylamine-3,e-disulfonic acid (Freund
30. l-Amino-8-naphthol-3+6-disulfonic acid (H
31. p-Aminophenyl-l42-naphthotriazole-4,8-disu]fonic
32. l-Naplithylamine-3.6,8-trisu]fonic acid (Koch
35. AcetonyTl,8-naphthylenediamine-3,e-disulfonic acid
34. l,8-Naphthylenediamine-3,6-disulfonic acid
35. Acetonyl-1,8- naphthylenediamine-3,6-disulfonic
36. Naphthalene-2t7-disulfonic acid
37. 15-Diaminonaphthalene-3,7-disulfonic acid
38. 2-Naphthol-7-sulfonic acid (F acid)
39. 2-Naphthol-3,7-disulfonic acid
40. 2-Naphthylamine-3,7-disulfonic acid
41. l-Naphthylamine-3,7*disulfonic acid
42. l-Naphthol-3t7-disulfonic acid
43. 2,7-Dihydroxynaplithalene
44. 2-Naphthylaniine-7-sulfonic acid (No. 31,
Table XII)
45. l-Naphthylamine*6-sulfonic acid (Cleve acid)
46. 4-Acetamino-l-naphthylamine-7-sulfonic acid
47. l-Amino-6-naphthol
48. Diisopropylnaphthalenesulfonic acid (Nekal)
49. l-Naphthylaniine-7-sulfonic acid (Cleve acid)
50. 4-Acctamino-I-naphthylamine-6-sulfonic acid
51. l-Amino-7-naphthol
52. l,5-Diaminonaphthalene-3*sulfonic acid
1. 2-Naphthylamine-l-sulfonic acid
2. 2-Naphthylaniine-5t7-disulfonic acid
3. 2-Amino-5-naplitliol-7-sulfonic acid (Jacid)
4. 2-Naphthol-8-sulfonic acid (crocein acid)
5. 2-Naphthoie^disulfonic acid (C salt)
6. 2>8-Dihydroxynaphthalene-6-snlfonic acid
7. 2-Aniino-8-naphtliol-6-sulfonic acid (Camma acid)
8. 2-Naphthylamine-6,8-disulfonlc acid (amino-G salt)
9. 2-Naplithol-3,6t8-trisulfonic acid
10. 2-Naphthylamine-3,6t8- trisulfonic acid
11. 2-Amino-8-naphthol-3t6-disulfonic acid
(Gamnia-disulfonic acid)
12. 2-Naphthol-6-sulfonic acid (Schaeffer acid)
13. 2-Naphthol-3t6-disulfonic acid (R salt)
14. 2-Naphthylamine-3.6-disnlfonic acid (aniino-R salt)
15. 2-Amino-3-naphthQl-6-sulfonic acid
16. 2>6-Dihydroxynaphthalene
17. 0-Naphthol
18. 2-Niiplithyiamine-6-sulfonic acid (Bronner acid)
19. I-Aniino-2-mcthoxynaphthalene-6-siilfonic acid
20. I-Nitroso-2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid
Principal Use Azodyes (lake) Azo dyes Azo dyes (subst.) Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes, tripbenylmetbanes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes Azo dyes* tripbenylmetbanes. oxazines Azo dyes Azo dyes Lake (as Fe salt) Photography (developer), oxazines |
21. I-Amino-2-naphth<^-6-sulfonic acid (Eikonogen)
22. /9-Naphthol methyl ether
23. l-Amino-2-naphthol methyl ether
24. 2-Naphthylamine-5-sulfon»c add
25. 2-Naphthylamine*1,5-disulfonic acid
26. 2-Ainino-5-naphthoH,7-disulfonie acid
(J disulfonic acid)
27. 2-Hydroxy -3-naphthoic acid
28. l-Nitroso-2-naphthol
29. I-Aniino-2-naphthci-4-$ulfonic acid
(cf. No. 2» Table X)
30. ^Naphthoquinones ulfonic acid
31. 2-Naphthylainine-7-sulfonic acid (No. 44, Table XI)
32. 2-PhenyIaniino-5-naphthol-7-$uIfonic acid
(phenyl-J acid)
33. 2-Hydroxy-3-naphthanilide (naphtholAS)
34. Ethyi-S-naphthylamine
35. PhenyI-/3-naphthylamine
36. ^-Naphthylamine
37. 2-Naphthylamine-8-sulfonic acid (Badische acid)
38. 2-Phenylaniino-8-naphthoI-e-sulfonic acid
(phenyl-gamma acid)
39. I-Nitroso-2-hydroxy-3-naphthoic acid
Phenyl mustard oil |
TABLE Xlllb. Derivatives of 2-Amino-5-naphthol-7-sulfonic Acid (J Acid) (continued from Table XHIa)
Compounds 14 to 2-3 are all used as end or middle components
for substantive cotton dyes.
Compounds I to 3 are used as end or middle components
for substantive cotton dyes.
1. Dibenzopyrenequinone (indanthrene
golden yelow GK) (No. 5, Table XVI)
2. о-Naphthohydroquinone monomethyl ether
3. 2,3-Dichloro-o-naphthoquinone
4. 5-Aminoacetylanthranilic acid
5. a-Naphthoquinone
6. 5-Nitroanthranilic acid
7. 5-Sulfoanthraniiic acid
8. 2t4-Dihydroxyquin61ine
9. 5-Chloroanthranilic acid
10. Phthalic anhydride
11. Anthranilic acid
12. o-Carboxyphenyltliioglycolic acid
13. 3-Hydroxythionaphthene
14. Methyl anthranilate
15. Phenylglycine-o-carboxylic acid
16. TetracMorophthalic anhydride
17. m-Aiuinobenzoic acid
1. Benzanthrone
2. fcz-I-Chlorobenzantlirone
3. Isodibenzanthrone (indanthrene vi<jlet R)
4. Dibenzantlirone (indanthrene dark Ыие BO)
5. Dibenzopyreneqninone (indanthrene golden
yellow GK) (No. 1> Table XV)
6. 1,4,5,8-Tetraaiiiinoantliraquinone
7. Anthracene Ыие SWX (alizarin cyanine S)
8. Anthracene blue WR (alizarin cyanine)
9. Anthracene blue GG
10. Indanthrene yellow 3 GF
11. 1,5-Diaminoanthraquinone
12. Anthraquinone blue SR
13. 13-Dianiinoanthraquinone
14. Indanthrene yellow GK
Principal Use Mordant dye Mordant dye Vat dye Vat dyes, acid wool dyes Acid word dye Vat dyes* acid wool dyes Vat dye Vat dye |
15. Algol brilliant red 2 В
Compound Principal Use
1. 2‘Chloroanthraquinone Vat dyes
2. 2-Aminoanthraquinone Vat dyes
3. l,3-Dibromo-2«aminoanthraquinone Vat dyes
4. Algol orange Vat dye
5. 2,6-Diaminoanthraauinone Vat dyes
6. Benzanthronequinoline Vat dyes
Erweco alizarin acid Ыие R
7. 1,2.6-Trihydroxyanlhraquinone (flavopurpurln)
8. 1+2,4,53,8-Hexahydroxyanthraquinone
(alizarin brilliant cyanine RJ
9. 1,2,7-Trihydroxyanthraquinone (anthrapurpurin)
10. Erweco alizarin acid Ыие R
X. Anthraquinoneacridone (No. 4, Table XIX, and No. 9, Tahle XXI)
2. Alizarin astrd В
3. Alizarin geranol В
4. 4-Broino-I-acetylmethylaminoanthraquinone
5. Alizarin rubinol R
6. Alizarin irisol R
7. o-Anthrol
8. Anthraquinooe violet
9. 1,5-Dichloroanthraquinone
10. Indanthrene brilliant violet BBK
11. Alizarin sapliird В
12. Alizarin saphirol SE
13. I 8-Dihydroxynnthraquinone (chrysazin)
14. l,4t8-Trihydroxy«nthruquinone
1. Helindone yellow RW
2. Algol grey В
3. Indantlirene olive R
4. Anthraquinoneacridone (No. 1, Table XVIII,
and No. 9» Table XXI)
5. o-Aminoanthraquinone (fast red AL base)
6. Anthrapyridone
7. Helindone brown
8. l-Aminoanthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid
9. 4- Bronio — l-aminoanthraquinone — 2- sulfonic acid
10. Alizarin риге Ыие В
11. 2t4*Dibromo-I*aminoanthraquinone
12. Alizarin sapbirol A
13. Algol yellow WG
14. 1,4-Diaminoanthraquinone
15. Indanthrene red 5 GK
1. It2-Dihydroxyantliraquinone-3-sulfonic acid (alizarin S)
2. Alizarin viridine FF
3. 1,2,53-Tetrahydroxyanthraquinone (alizarin Bordeaux R)
4. Alizarin brilliant cyanine GC
5. l,2-Dihydroxyanthraquinone-5-sulfonic acid (Erweco acid
alizarin red)
6. 1,2,5-Trihydroxyanthraquinone (alizarin brilliant Bordeaux R)
7. I,2,4r5,8-Pentahydroxyanthraquinone (alizarin cyanine R)
8. 1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone (quinizarin)
9. I,2-Dihydroxyanthra<iuinone (alizarin)
10. 1,2,4-Trihydroxyanthraquinone (purpurin)
11. Alizarin heliotrope
12. 4-Aniino-I,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone (alizarin garnet)
13. Alizarin green S
14. 3-Nitro-I^-dihydroxyanthraquinone (alizarin Mange A)
15. 3-Ainino-I,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone (alizarin maroon)
16. Alizarin Ыие S
X. Pyranthrone (indanthrene golden orange G)
2. l-Chloroanthraquinone*2-carboxy lie acid
3. Dimethybrneso-benzodianthrone
4. аЙо-meso-Naphthodianthrone
5. meso-Anthradianthrone
6. Cyananthrol
7. Anthraflavone G
8. Anthraquinonethioxanthone
9. Anthraquinoneacridone (No. 1, Table XVUI
and No. 4, Table XIX)
10. Same as No. 2
11. 1-Aminoanthraquinone-2-carboxylic add
[1]Frdl., 7, 90 (1902-1904) (Note).
[2] Witt, Ber., 48, 750 (1915).
[3] Kofler, “M ikroskopische Methoden zur Identifizierung organischer Substanzen,” Supplement to 2. Ver. deut. Chem., No. 36 (1940).
[4]See, for example, Fierz-David, Helv. Chim. Acta, 10, 219 (1927).
[5] See, for example, Fierz-David, Helv. Chim. Acta, 10, 200 (1927).
[6] Concerning the mononitration of 2-methylanthraquinone, see p. 227, as well as Locher and Fierz, Helix Chim. Acta, 10, 642 (1927).
[7]Hefti, Helv. Chim. Acta, 14, 1404 (1931).
[8] M.,L., and B., Ger. Pat. 75,288 (1894) [Frdl, 3, 260 (1890-1894)1.
[9] C. Kranzlein, Aluminiumchlorid in der organischen Chemie. 2nd ed., Verlag Chemie, Berlin, 1935.
[10] See Fierz-Davia, Kiinstliche organische Farbstoffe, Hauptwerk. Springer, Berlin, 1926, p. 538 ff.
[11] Soc. Chim. Usines Rhone, Ger. Pat. 98,433 (1898) [Frdl, 5, 41 (1897-1900)1.
[12] Cf. the preparation of o-chlorotoluene from p-toluenesulfonic acid according to Badische A. und S. F., Ger. Pat. 294,638 (1916) [Frdl., 12, 908 (1914-1916): C. A., 11, 2582 (1917)]. See also, p. 163.
[13] For the construction of industrial equipment, see, for example, Ullmann, Enzyklopadie der technischen Chemie. 2nd ed., Vol. 1, Urban und Schwarzen — berg, Berlin, 1928, pp. 465 and 467.
[14] See, for example, I. G., Ger. Pat. 436,820 [Frdl., 15, 391 (1928)1.
[15] Hale and Britton, Ind. Eng. Chem., 20, 114 (1928).
[16]« Chem. Fab. Griesheim, Ger. Pat. 97,013 (1896) [Frdl., 5, 47 (1897-1900)].
[17] Badische A. und S. F., Ger. Pat. 289,111 (1915) [Frdl., 12, 308 (1914-1916); C. A., 10, 2529 (1916)1.
27 C. Curtis Dissertation, Zurich-Weida, 1929. This also gives the preparation of 1-anthraquinoneoxainic acid and of indanthrene red 5 GK.
[18] See page 115.
31 Carter, Z. ges. Schliess — u. Sprengstoffw., 8, 205, 251 (1913).
[19] O. Wyler, Helo. Chim. Acta, IS, 23 (1932).
[20] Obermiller, Ger. Pat. 281,176 (1914) [Frdl., 12, 125 (1914-1916); C. A., 9,
37 Fierz, Schlittler, and Waldmann, Helv. Chim. Acta, 12, 663 (1929).
38 I. G., Fr. Pat. 734,616 (1932) [C. A., 27, 1002 (1933)1.
39 W. Stockar, Dissertation, Eidg. Techn. Hochschule, Zurich, 1942.
[25] Huber, Dissertation, Zurich, 1931.
[26] Lunge and Berl, Chemisch-techmsche Untersuchungsmethoden. 6th ed., Vol. IV, Springer, Berlin, 1910-1911, p. 625.
[27] See, for example, Heumann, Die AniUnfarben und ihre Fabrikation, Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1888-1903.
[28] E. Ziegler, Dissertation, Zurich, 1928. See also Fierz-David and Blangey, Kunstliche organische Farbstoffe, Erganzungsband, Springer, Berlin, 1935, p. 58.
[29] Fierz and Stamm, Helv. Chim. Acta, 25, 364 (1942).
[30]Kempf and Moehrke, Ger. Pat. 256,034 (1913) [Frdl.. 11, 193 (1912-1914);
CA„ 7, 2096 (1913)1.
[31] M., L., and B., Ger. Pat. 263,382 (1913), 265,195 (1913), 265,196 (1913), 270,401 (.1914) [Frdl., 11, 257 ff. (1912-1914); C. A., 8, 257, 429, 2261 (1914)1. R. Lesser, Ger. Pat. 236,074 (1911) [Frdl., 10, 282 (1910-1912); C. A., 6, 2007 (1912)].
[32]Badische A. und S. F. (Julius and Miinch), Ger. Pat. 167,012 (1905) [Frdl., 8, 752 (1905-1907)1.
[33] Hofmann, Ger. Pat. 65,131 (1892) [Frdl., 3, 826 (1890-1894)1.
[34] Schultze, Ger. Pat., 85,493 (1896) [Frdl., 4, 145 (1894-1897)1.
[35] Badische A. und S. F., Ger. Pat. 294,638 (1916) [Frdl, 12, 908 (1914—1916);
C. A., II, 2582 (1917)1.
[36] Badische A. und S. F. Ger. Pat. 160,536 (1905), 157,325 (1904), 156,440 (1904) [Frdl., 8, 656-7 (1905-1907)1.
[37] Bayer & Co., Cer. Pat. 109,102 (1899) [Frdl., 5, 164 (1897-1900)1. Badisclie A. und S. F., Ger. Pat. 115,335 (1900), 117,471 (1900), and 126,136 (1901), [Frdl, 6, 187-190 (1900-1902)1.
[38] Badische A. und S. F., Ger. Pat. 121,683 (1901) and 122,570 (1901) [Frdl., 6, 192-194 (1900-1902)1.
[39] I. G. (Limpach and Hager), Ger. Pat. 550,707 (1930) [Frdl., 19, 1899 (1934); C. A., 26, 4962 (1932)]. Helv. Chim. Acta, 29, 1756 Г1946).
[40] Witt, Ber., 48, 743 (1915).
[41] The Calico Printers Assoc, and E. Fourneaux, Ger. Pat. 204,702 (1909) [Frdl., 9, 408 (1908-1910); C. A., 3, 958 (1909)1
[42] The solution can also be heated under reflux.
[43] — Naphthylamine-8-sulfonic acid can be converted into the diazonium com
pound by treatment with nitrous acid (sodium nitrite) in mineral acid solution at
[45] O. Kruber, Ber., 64, 84 (1931). Pier and Schoenemann (I. G.), Ger. Pat. 639,240 (1936) [C. A., 31, 1590 (1937)1 and 640,580 (1937) [C. A., 31, 5543 (1937)1.
T1 Vollmann, Becker, Corell, and Streeck, Ann., 531, 1-159 (1937).
[47] Kranzlein, Z. angew. Chem., 51, 373 (1938).
[48] For example, 30 grams of the crude material is dissolved in 240 grams of concentrated sulfuric acid at a temperature not to exceed 35°, and 135 grams of 62.5 per cent (50° Be) sulfuric acid is added. The nearly colorless crystals of the amine sulfate are filtered off on a sintered glass funnel, washed with 82-83 per cent sulfuric acid, and then converted to the free base by stirring with water. 77 Kriinzlein, Nawiasky, Corell, Kunz, and Schiitz (Badische A. und S. F.), Ger. Pat. 421,206 [Frdf., 14, 1495 (1921-1925)1.
[49] Secondary amine.
[50] Kalle & Co., Ger. Pat. 175,593 (1906) and 176,618 (1906) [Frdl., 8, 648, 651
(1905-1907); C. A., 1, 1202, 1208 (1907)1.
[51] Cf. Laska, Zitscher, Christ, and Petzold (I. G.), Ger. Pat. 508,585 (1930) [Frdl.,
17, 967 (1932); CA., 25, 599 (1931)1.
[52] See Geigy, Ger. Pat. 224,024 and 224,025 (1910) [Frdl., 10, 844-845 (1910- 1912); C. A., 4, 3304 (1910)1.
MCf. Agfa, Ger. Pat. 131,860 I Frdl, 6, 872 (1900-1902)].
[54] Volume per cent: 1 liter contains 200 grams of 100 per cent sodium nitrite.
[55] Ger. Pat. Applic. F 28,279 (1910) [Frdl., 10, 946 (1910-1912)].
[56] The benzo light dyes have more recently been sold under the name, Sirius ‘Light, t It is essential to determine the purity of the starting materials. Anilinedisulfonic acid andmaphthylaminesulfonic acid are analyzed by titration with nitrite, phenyl-J acid by titration with diazobenzene (see Analytical Section, pages 386-390).
I It is possible, with suitable precautions, to achieve good results without using alcohol. The a-naphthylamine is dissolved in a boiling mixture of 28 cc. 2 N hydrochloric acid and 100 cc. water, and the solution is filtered if necessary and allowed to cool to about 50°. Before the hydrochloric acid begins to crystallize out, the solution is poured rapidly into the diazo solution containing ice, and then a solution of 7 grams of crystalline sodium acetate in 20 cc. water is added slowly.
[57] Contrary to the general impression, phenol does not couple readily with diazo compounds. Diazo ethers are frequently formed and the reaction is mistaken for true coupling. The procedure given here, in which the acid diazo solution is mixed with the phenol (or cresol) and the mixture treated with soda without sodium hydroxide, gives the azo dye in much better yield.
[58] See, however, Schmidt and Hagenbocker, Ber., 54, 2201 (1921).
[59] Kern, Dissertation, Zurich, 1921; Geigy, Ger. Pat. 278,613 (1914) [Frdl 12 323 (1914-1916); C. A., 9, 1847 (1915)1.
[60] This auramine process is ascribed to Feer in the patent literature. The actual discoverer, however, was Sandmeyer. Feer, Ger. Pat. 53,614 (1890) [Frdl., 2, 60 (1887-1890)1.
[61] In many plants, saltpeter is preferred over chlorate since it attacks iron less readily and is reduced directly to ammonia in the process. Chlorate, however, gives a more clear-cut reaction.
[62] du Pont, Ger. Pat. 656,944 (1938) [Frdl., 24, 868; C. A., 32, 4176 (1938)1.
98 Pope and Scottish Dyes, Ltd., Ger. Pat. 382,178 (1923) [Frdl., 14, 871 (1921- 1925)1.
(1910) [Frdi., 9, 1197 (1908-1910); C. A., 5, 592 (1911)].
[65] Hefti, Helv. Chim. Acta, 14, 1404 (1931). Schmidt (Bayer), Ger. Pat. 225,232
[66] Badische A. und S. F., Ger. Pat. 56,273 (1891) [Frdl., 3, 281 (1890-1894)1.
[67] Badische A. und S. F., Ger. Pat. 127,178 (1901) [Frdl., 6, 538 (1900-1902)1.
[68] Sandmeyer, Z. Farben — u. Textilchem., No. 7, p. 129 (1903). Also, Helv. Chim. Acta, 2, 234 (1919).
[69] H. de Diesbach and E. von der Weid, Helv. Chim. Acta, 10, 886 (1927).
[70] Linstead, Ber., 72, 93 (1939).
[71] This involves a relatively large amount of hand work and as a result the operation of filter presses is more costly than that of suction filters or centrifuges. The latter are preferred, therefore, if the properties of the precipitate permit their use. 104 See, for example, Ullmann, Enzyklopadie der technischen Chemie. 2nd ed., Vol. 5, Urban und Schwarzenberg, Berlin, 1928, p. 358 ff.
[72] The inlet tubes on filter presses, as well as the stopcocks on dye vats, are almost always made from the best bronze.
1 An alloy of equal parts of tin and lead has practically no expansion on heating.
[73] See Knecht and Hibbert, New Reduction Methods in Volumetric Analysis. 2nd ed., Longmans, Green, London, 1928.
[74] Fierz-David, /. Soc. Dyers Colourists, 45, 133 (1929).
[75] Ruggli and Jensen, HeIv. Chim. Acta, 18, 624 (1935). See also Zechmeister
ana Cholnoky, Die chromatographische Adsorptionsmethode. 2nd ed., Springer,
Wien, 1938.
[76] Frische, Ann., 224, 141 (1884).
[77] Kranzlein, Werden, Sein, und Vergehen der kiinsllichen organischen Farhstoffe, Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart, 1935.
[78] By Dr. Heinrich Ris.
[79] Verfahren, Typen, und Normen fur die Prufung und Beurteilung der Echtheit — seigenschaften, Verlag Chemie, Berlin, 1939. This also gives the procedures for determining other fastness ratings, such as fastness to washing, chlorine, alkali, and acid.