2,6-Dichlorobenzal Chloride

The laboratory chlorination of dichlorotoluene to form diehloro — benzal chloride is very simple. Chlorine is passed into boiling, dry dichlorotoluene, in sunlight if possible, until the original weight of 161 grams has increased 69 grams. With these quantities, the chlorination is easily completed in 2 hours. The reaction flask must be equipped with an efficient reflux condenser so that the hydrogen chloride generated does not carry out entrained benzal chloride. The product is distilled under reduced pressure, giving about 1 per cent boiling at 116-119° at 16 mm., about 95 per cent of the dichlorobenzal chloride boiling at 120-130°, and a residue of higher chlorination products and tar.

2,6- Dichlorobenzal chloride boils at 250° at atmospheric pressure.

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