Pigments for Microcolour Filters

Flat-screen displays, such as those used in miniature televisions and computer displays normally produce a multicolour effect by means of microcolour filters used together with thin film transistors and liquid crystals, commonly also with fluorescent back-lighting. Since the ob­server is directly viewing the source of the light, the process involves the use of additive colour mixing and hence requires filters which incorporate the additive primary colours — red, green and blue (Chapter 2). Pigments are generally preferred to dyes for these applications because of their superior durability. The microfilters are manufactured by a process in which pigments of the appropriate three colours are deposited by vacuum sublimation on to a matrix of an appropriate design produced by photo­microlithography. The pigments for colour filter applications require the ability to sublime, good thermal stability and lightfastness, and appropri­ate spectral characteristics. Suitable pigments include the perylene 228 (red), copper phthalocyanine 229 (blue) and its octaphenyl derivative 230 (green) (Figure 10.4).

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