A similar treatment to that used for reactivity ratios can be used to obtain an equation to describe multi-component systems in terms of Q and e values. d[Mi] = [Mi f Q? e"61′ + [Mi] [M2] Q1 Q2 e"6162 +……… [Mi] [Mn] Q1 Qn e"61®" d [Mz] [M2 f Q§ e** + [M2] [Mi] Q2 […]
Архивы рубрики ‘Waterborne & Solvent Based Acrylics and their End User Applications’
Terpolymers and Multi-Component Systems

The copolymerisation behaviour of three or more monomers can be predicted if the behaviour of the monomer pairs is known, by using an extension of the copolymer equation. This can be illustrated for monomers Mb M2 and M3 as follows: = ki, i [Mi] [Mi] + кг, і [М2] [Mi] + кз, і [М3] [Mi] […]
Reactivity Ratios

The ratio Гі can be considered as the tendency of monomer M; to react with itself (i. e. form a homopolymer) or to react with another monomer type present (i. e. to form a copolymer). The value of Г! and r2 indicates the composition and structural type (i. e. random or block) of the copolymer […]
Copolymer Composition Equation

In the steady state the rate of formation of radicals by initiation, is equal to the rate of removal of radicals by termination. That is: Ri = Rt кгі [~Мг][Мі] = k-|2 [~Мі][Мг] equation A The rate of consumption of monomer M! is given by = ki, i [- МІ] [Mi] + кг, і [~ […]
Reactions of Methylol Containing Polymers

Acrylic resins containing pendant amine groups can be obtained by the use of acrylamide or methacrylamide. One method of producing pendant methylol groups on the polymer chain is by the reaction of an amide containing polymer with formaldehyde, to produce methylol groups. VyWVWWpA/V c=o c=o I I NH, NH, vywwvvywv C=0 C=0 […]
. Reaction of Carboxyl Containing Polymers with Isocyanate Groups

Figure 1-40 (vii) Reaction of Carboxyl Containing Polymers with Alkoxyl Methyl Ether Groups G-OH + RO — CH2— NH —I —► C — 0 — CH2— NH —| + ROH 0 0 Polymer backbone шштт Acrylic polymer backbone AAArV Figure 1-41 Where RO-CH2-NH- may be the alkoxy methyl ether of an acrylamide polymer or of […]
Reactions of Hydroxyl Containing Polymers with Polyanhydrides

This reaction is not commonly used in the formation of a film for surface coating applications. < II Polymer backbone Acrylic polymer backbone АЛЛА/ Figure 1-36 This reaction requires acid catalysis and normally utilises high stoving temperatures, (v) Reactions of Hydroxyl Containing Polymers with Carboxyl Groups Acrylic polymer backbone /WW + н2о […]
Curing and Film Forming Reactions

The curing reactions of some of the functional groups incorporated into Acrylic Resins for use in surface coating applications are illustrated below. (i) Reactions of Hydroxyl Containing Polymers with Amino Formaldehyde Resins The incorporation of hydroxy monomers such as hydroxy ethyl acrylate into the copolymer results in the formation of pendant hydroxyl groups, — OH, […]
Relationship between Monomer Structure and Reactivity

There are two primary factors influencing monomer reactivity: a) the ease with which a monomer will form a monomer radical b) the subsequent reactivity of the monomer radical so formed. Both these factors are dependent on the monomer structure. Reactivities of monomers can be compared by examination of their transfer coefficients for a specific transfer […]